Automata theory - Wikipedia
Automata theory is the study of abstract machines and automata, as well as the computational problems that can be solved using them. It is a theory in theoretical computer science with close connections to mathematical logic .
自动机理论 - 百度百科
自动机理论是一种将 离散数学 系统的构造,作用和关系作为研究对象的数学理论。 在理论计算机科学中,自动机理论是对抽象机和它们能解决的问题的研究。 自动机理论密切关联于形式语言理论,因为自动机经常按它们所能识别的形式语言类来分类。 自动机是 有限状态机 (FSM)的数学模型。 FSM 是给定符号输入,依据 (可表达为一个表格的)转移函数“跳转”过一系列状态的一种机器。 在常见的 FSM 的“Mealy”变体中,这个转移函数告诉自动机给定当前状态和当前字符的时候下 …
Basics of Automata Theory - Computer Science
Simply stated, automata theory deals with the logic of computation with respect to simple machines, referred to as automata. Through automata, computer scientists are able to understand how machines compute functions and solve problems and more importantly, what it means for a function to be defined as computable or for a question to be ...
深度学习时代的自动定理证明简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年8月8日 · 在最近的几年里, 自动定理证明 (automated theorem proving, ATP)领域通过引入深度学习和强化学习,尤其是凭借 大语言模型 (Large language model, LLM)的飞速进展,产生了大量令人惊叹的工作。 尽管离让计算机自己证出 黎曼猜想 这样的大命题还稍显遥远,但我们已经可以可预见地谈论自动定理证明将如何帮助人类数学家完成工作了。 本文致敬(蹭热度x)颇有影响力的. 《计算机辅助证明简介》一文,该文所介绍的 形式化数学语言 也作为本文 …
Automata Tutorial - GeeksforGeeks
2025年1月30日 · Automata Theory is a branch of the Theory of Computation. It deals with the study of abstract machines and their capacities for computation. An abstract machine is called the automata. It includes the design and analysis of automata, which are mathematical models that can perform computations on strings of symbols according to a set of rules.
自动机理论、语言和计算导论(原书第3版) - 豆瓣读书
2008年7月1日 · 本书是关于形式语言、自动机理论和计算复杂性方面的经典教材,是三位理论计算大师的巅峰之作,现已更新到第3版。 书中涵盖了有穷自动机、正则表达式与语言、正则语言的性质、上下文无关文法及上下文无关语言、下推自动机、上下文无关语言的性质、图灵机、不可判定性以及难解问题等内容。 John E. Hopcroft,在斯坦福大学获得博士学位,现为康奈尔大任康奈尔大学工程学院院长。 他是1986年图灵奖获得者。 他的研究兴趣集中在计算理论方面,尤其是 …
Automata Theory Tutorial - Online Tutorials Library
Automata Theory is a branch of computer science that deals with designing abstract self-propelled computing devices that follow a predetermined sequence of operations automatically. An automaton with a finite number of states is called a Finite Automaton .
Automata Theory - Stanford Online
We learn about parse trees and follow a pattern similar to that for finite automata: closure properties, decision properties, and a pumping lemma for context-free languages. We also introduce the pushdown automaton, whose nondeterministic version is equivalent in language-defining power to context-free grammars.
Automata Theory - Computer Science
Automata Theory is the study of abstract computing machines and their algorithms. This website explores the basics of automata theory, a classic automata problem, and some of the many applications of automata.
Automata Tutorials
Automata Theory is a branch of theoretical computer science that deals with the study of abstract machines and the problems they can solve. These machines, called automata, are mathematical models used to understand the functioning of computers and the limits of computation.
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