艾娃·加德纳 - 百度百科
艾娃· 加德纳(Ava Gardner,1922年12月24日—1990年1月25日),出生于美国史密斯菲尔德,美国女演员。1941年与米高梅电影公司签约成为旗下艺人,1946年参演电影《杀人者》开 …
Amy March and Ava Gardner Chapter 14: That Damn Eldest
Juliet shoved the silverware away with an amused smirk, turning to her niece with a concerned frown. "Yeah, they can hurt. Have you been getting headaches or something?"
Amy March and Ava Gardner - Chapter 34 - Archive of Our Own
“What makes the muskrat guard his musk,” Lorelai quipped with a smirk, earning her another short laugh from her sister. She glanced over at the stairs and saw a couple carrying their …
Amy March and Ava Gardner Chapter 16: Star-Crossed Lovers
"I know," Lorelai agreed with a tiny smirk. She opened her mouth and then hesitated, closing it again. Finally, she sighed, meeting her sister's eyes as her own began to fill.
Ava Gardner - Wikipedia
Ava Lavinia Gardner (December 24, 1922 – January 25, 1990) was an American actress. She first signed a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1941 and appeared mainly in small roles until …
2020年3月10日 · 艾娃\'加德纳(Ava Gardner),是继丽塔·海华丝之后第二位“好莱坞性感女神”,她被美国电影学会评为“百年来最伟大的银幕传奇女星”第25名, 梦露上位前美国的全民女神, 在好 …
The Wild Life and Many Loves of Ava Gardner - Vanity Fair
2020年6月3日 · On her first day at MGM as a tongue-tied 18-year-old, Gardner was given a tour of the sprawling Culver City lot by studio PR man Milton Weiss. Weiss took her to the set of …
Ava Gardner - Jess Waid
2018年1月8日 · Ava Lavinia Gardner (December 24, 1922 – January 25, 1990) was an American actress and singer. She was signed to a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1941 and …
Amy March and Ava Gardner Chapter 21: Love, Ducklings, and …
"Princes are overrated," Lorelai breathed with a smirk, wiping a trace of sparkly lip gloss from his lower lip. Luke nodded in agreement, unable to tamp down his smile. "Yeah, too much …
Is The Femme Fatale Stereotype As Glitzy As It Seems? - Rolling …
2021年6月7日 · Engulfed by the best of fashion, an army of henchmen and all the riches in the land, she attracts everyone’s attention with her glamorous entry on screen. Her bewitching …