Avelignese Horse - Horse Breeds - The Equinest
2010年8月8日 · A common breed in Italy, the Avelignese was developed in the country over a century ago and recognized as a breed in 1874. Their name comes from Avelengo, which has …
Avelignese - Wikipedia
Avelignese o Haflinger è una razza equina che deve il proprio nome al paese di Avelengo, in provincia di Bolzano, apparendo anche sullo stemma della città. In tedesco il paese è …
Haflinger - Wikipedia
The Haflinger, also known as the Avelignese, is a breed of horse developed in Austria and northern Italy (namely Hafling in South Tyrol region) during the late 19th century. Haflinger …
Avelignese Horse Breed Info & Facts
These horses are tough and rugged, with an easy going temperament that makes them perfect for all sorts of purposes. Learn more about this unique breed in today’s blog post! Here are some …
Haflinger Horse (Avelignese) Facts And Information - AHF
Haflinger horses, also known as Avelignese horses, are small but strong horses are highly popular among both adults and children. Though the Haflinger horse may not measure up size …
Haflinger - PetMD
Haflinger horses are known for their endearing personality and intelligence. They can be trained in a variety of disciplines and can work with riders of all ages and experience levels. They’re …
Equine Kingdom - Avelignese
The Avelignese is a very versatile pony, and is used in harness for working the land in regions inaccessible to motorized vehicles. They are very surefooted over rough terrain and have …
Haflingers - KSW Farms
The Haflinger, also known as the Avelignese, is a breed of small horse developed in Austria and Northern Italy. They are always flaxen chestnut. They were developed for use in mountainous …
Horse Isle 3: Big Book of Breeds
The Avelignese is an Italian subtype of the Haflinger horse. It is named after the town of Avelengo, where it is primarily bred. Origins of the Avelingese: The Haflinger breed was …
Avelignese horse | petmapz by Dr. Katz, Your veterinarian …
Despite its small size, the Avelignese is an ideal mount and light draft horse. It displays its thick and heavy mane, which has a golden chestnut colour, proudly; its tail, meanwhile, is white or …