Active protection system - Wikipedia
An active protection system (APS) is a system designed to actively prevent certain anti-tank weapons from destroying a vehicle. Countermeasures that either conceal the vehicle from, or disrupt the guidance of an incoming guided missile threat are …
AWiSS – Active Protection System Suite - Defense Update:
2004年1月21日 · Active countermeasures are developed in Germany by Diehl, under the AWiSS program. The system is designed as a lightweight suite, adaptable for the protection of heavy and light vehicles. The system comprises of search and track Ka band radar, capable of operation in low visibility conditions.
主动防御系统 - 百度百科
主动防御系统(英文:Active Protection Systems,缩写:APS),是指通过探测装置获得来袭弹药(反坦克导弹、火箭)的运动特征,然后通过计算机控制对抗装置,使来袭弹药无法直接命中被防护目标的系统。
Active Vehicle Protection System (AVePS) - Military Periscope
The Active Vehicle Protection System (AVePS), formerly known as the AWiSS (Abstands-Wirksame Schutz-System), is a lightweight active protection system designed for light and heavy vehicles. The system can engage multiple projectiles at short intervals. Its rapid reaction time makes it suitable for urban operations.
Active Protection System (APS) for tanks - Page 2 - Ballistics …
2017年8月10日 · AFAIK the current launcher-based active protection system with the highest elevation is SAAB's LEDS-150 (up to 65°). Italy developed an APS similar to AWiSS/AVePS and Iron Fist during the early 2000s, which was called Scudo. It was limited to 30° elevation in the current mock-ups, although they wanted to extend the elevation to 45°.
Below The Turret Ring: Hardkill APS overview - Blogger
2017年1月7日 · The hardkill systems are categorized into three categories: APS with rotatable launchers, APS with fixed launchers, and box-based APS. Launcher-based hardkill active protection systems
Hardkill APS: Active Protection System - Militarypedia
2017年12月10日 · L’ APS IAAPS, sviluppato dalla United Defense (oggi BAE Systems), fu un progetto che risale al 1997 per il Future Combat System (FCS) dello US Army: il sistema è costituito sia da contromisure Soft-Kill che Hard-Kill, basate su 2 sensori passivi (ricevitore di allarme laser e un dispositivo optronico per rilevare la traccia termica di ...
火力发电厂燃煤机组自动程序启停APS - 知乎
燃气轮机发电机组的APS,英文全称是Automatic Plant Start-up and Shut down System,控制功能与汽轮发电机组的DEH更为接近,但比蒸汽轮机多了燃料的控制调节功能。 燃煤机组的APS英文全称是Automatic Procedure Start-up/Shut-down,从控制范围、整体结构到回路控制方式相比于燃气轮机,燃煤机组的APS要复杂得多,控制难度也高了许多,最简单的道理,燃气轮机的燃料要么是燃油要么是天然气,燃料单一、品质稳定、燃烧器结构简单,便于调节和控制。
Question about BK-31 Heat-FS-T [FIXED] - Steelbeasts.com
2019年8月10日 · Though APS systems are changing the battlefield still the first Target seen normally is the first to be either KIA or damaged severely bad. Crew training is very important, platoon maneuvering and communication are the key factors.
重新理解APS系列之5: What & Why - 知乎