Fokker F.IX - Wikipedia
The Fokker F.IX was an airliner developed in the Netherlands in the late 1920s, intended to provide KLM with an aircraft suitable for regular services to the Dutch East Indies.
F39 - Wikipedia
F39 may refer to: Avia F.39, a bomber aircraft of the Czechoslovakian Air Force; BMW X2 (F39), an automobile; INS Betwa (F39), a Brahmaputra-class guided missile frigate of the Indian Navy; HMS Naiad (F39), a Leander-class frigate of the Royal Navy; F-39, Brazilian designation for the Saab JAS 39 Gripen; F39, an Egyptian hieroglyph
Avia Fokker F-39 : Avia - armedconflicts.com
Avia-Fokker F.39 "Babaroga - Čarodějnice" chorvatského letectva (Zrakoplovstvo NDH) v podobě ze zimy 1943. Horní a boční plochy kryla nepravidelná pole tmavě zelené a hnědé, spodní byly světle modrošedé.
Aircraft template - histaviation.com
The F.39s differed from their civil counterparts not only in the addition of bomb racks, but also in a defensive machine gun being fitted to either a ventral "step" or a turret. Avia also built two examples as airliners for Czechoslovakian Airlines as the F.IX D (Dopravni - "transport").
Fokker/AVA F.IX-M (English version) - Fokker-history.com
The F-39 is a bomber / transport variant of the civilian F.IX and was built exclusively under license by the Czech AVIA and was modified on a number of points. Of the approximately 18 aircraft built, a large number were made for the Czech Air Force and a …
Yugoslav Air Force - Aeroflight
2006年8月26日 · Two Fokker F.39 obtained in 1932. Licence-built by the Avia factory in Czechoslovakia. 400 hp Gnôme-Rhône Jupiter 9Ae engines. Mainly used as bombers, but also for crew training, reconnaissance and transport duties. Fitted with 420 hp IA Jupiter 9Ad engines after overhaul by Ikarus in the late 1930s.
Avia F-IX – Wikipedie
Avia F-IX byl československý pětimístný hornoplošný bombardovací letoun, který vznikl podle licence nizozemského dopravního typu Fokker F.IX, zalétaného 23. srpna 1929. [1] Fokker F.IX byl největší meziválečný dopravní letoun firmy Fokker .
Fokker F.IX (English version) - Fokker-history.com
The Spanish Republicans installed bomb racks and machine guns on the aircraft. Although the aircraft was not a success in the Netherlands, about 20 were built in Czechoslovakia, under license of AVIA ; of these, two were civilian versions and about 18 were military bombers marked as F.IX-M and/or F-39. Click on the photo to enlarge the photo
bombarderos checoslovacos de la ii guerra mundial - fokker f. ix/avia f. 39 El Fokker F.IX era un avión de pasajeros desarrollado en los Países Bajos a fines de la década de los años 20, destinado a proporcionar a KLM un avión adecuado para los servicios regulares a las Indias Orientales Holandesas.
Trojice snímků dokumentuje prodej bombardérů Avia F-39 do Jugoslávie ve třicátých letech. Jednalo se o vojenskou verzi původně nizozemského dopravního letounu Fokker F.IX. Jugoslávie zakoupila celkem dva stroje tohoto typu.