Leaded Aviation Fuel and the Environment
2019年11月20日 · Aircraft operating on leaded aviation gasoline (avgas) are used for many critical purposes, including business and personal travel, instructional flying, aerial surveys, agriculture, firefighting, law enforcement, medical emergencies, and express freight.
Environment & Airports - Federal Aviation Administration
2022年10月7日 · Work to offer additional unleaded fuel types to facilitate the transition. Minimize engine idling time and run-up times of piston-engine aircraft. Promote airport and pilot awareness.
specifies the minimum grade aviation gasoline that has been established during type certification of the engine. Aviation Grades 80/87, 100/130, and 100LL fuels are common aviation gasolines approved for airplane engines. d. In recent years, some petroleum manufacturers have discontinued the production of Grade 80/87 aviation fuel.
Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular Subject: Aircraft Fuel Storage, Handling, Training, and Dispensing on Airports Date: 9/28/2012 Initiated by: AAS-300 AC No: 150/5230-4B Change: 1. Purpose. This advisory circular (AC) contains specifications and guidance for the storage, handling, and dispensing of aviation fuel on airports.
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Aviation Gasoline
2022年8月11日 · Aviation Gasoline The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shares the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) concerns about lead emissions from small aircraft. Lead is a toxic substance that can be inhaled or absorbed in the bloodstream. Aviation gasoline (avgas) is the only remaining lead-containing transportation fuel.
On February 23, 2022, the FAA announced EAGLE – Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions – a collaborative initiative with the general aviationA) community, (G fuel suppliers and distributors, airports, engine and aircraft manufacturers, research institutions, associations , and
government established the Eliminate Aviation Gasoline Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative in February 2022. EAGLE aims to: Eliminate the use of leaded aviation fuels for piston engine aircraft in the United States by the end of 2030 without adversely impacting the safe and efficient operation of the existing GA fleet.
aviation gasoline, Grade 100 low lead (100LL), which would be suitable for most current and projected piston aircraft engines. As a result, Grade 80 aviation gasoline has become increasingly difficult to obtain and this situation is expected to become more critical in the near future. The shortage, and perhaps eventual
Aviation Gasoline - Archived Article - Federal Aviation Administration
2012年10月5日 · The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is committed to developing a fiscally responsible action plan to meet the agency's goal of making an unleaded fuel available for most of the general aviation fleet to replace 100 octane low-lead (100LL) by 2018.
FAA, Industry Chart Path to Eliminate Lead Emissions from General ...
2022年2月23日 · WASHINGTON— The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced a new initiative that outlines how our country can safely eliminate the use of leaded aviation fuel by the end of 2030 without adversely affecting the …