北京中航智成科技有限公司成立于2007年,是一家集设计、制作、销售高级仿真飞机模型及其他模型的专业化公司。 公司成立以来,始终秉持“精选材、细工艺、严考究、高品质”的产品标准,奉信“信誉第一、合作共赢”的服务理念,为每一位客户提供优质的产品和服务。 中航智成为航空工业集团有限公司、中国商用飞机有限责任公司、中国船舶工业集团有限公司等国家级企业、军工单位提供产品。 中航智成目前共有歼-20、歼-10、歼-15、 歼-31、武直-10、直-19、L-15、运-20、 …
AVIC | English
Our business units cover defense, transport aircrafts, helicopters, avionics and systems, general aviation, research and development, flight testing, trade and logistics, assets management, finance services, engineering and construction, automobiles and more. We have over 100 subsidiaries, nearly 24 listed companies and more than 400,000 employees.
AVIC AG600 - Wikipedia
The AVIC AG600 Kunlong (Chinese: 鲲 龙; pinyin: kūnlóng; lit. 'Kun Dragon') is a large amphibious aircraft designed by AVIC and assembled by CAIGA. Powered by four WJ-6 turboprops, it is one of the largest flying boats with a 53.5 t (118,000 lb) MTOW.
MA60/600 - AVIC
AVIC is a major OEM of civil aircraft in China, including regional passenger aircraft, general aircraft, and helicopters. AVIC is also a global supplier of inferior systems and aero-structure. MA600 aircraft is an improved version of the MA60.
AVIC Baidi Type-B - Wikipedia
The AVIC Baidi Type-B (白帝, lit. "White Emperor") is a fictional 6th generation stealth fighter spaceplane mock-up built by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and unveiled in November 2024 at the Zhuhai Airshow. At the time, some observers discussed the mock-up as if it was a non-fictional aircraft project.
Avicopter - Helis.com
AVIC history The Aviation Industry Corporation of China ( 中国航空工业集团公司 ) is a Chinese state-owned company founded in 1951. Known as AVIC since 2008.
Aviation Industry Corporation of China AG-EX (technology …
Founded in 1951, is a Chinese state-owned publicly-traded aerospace and defense conglomerate. AVIC has been through 12 systemic reforms from 1951 to 2024. The company manufactures airliners, fighter aircraft, bombers, transport aircraft, trainers, helicopters, uncrewed aerial vehicles and more.
中国航空工业集团发布2024年度创新成果:新一代航空装备引领未 …
2024年12月20日,北京 —— 在今日举行的“2024中国航空工业创新发展大会”上,中国航空工业集团有限公司(AVIC)发布了多项重大技术创新成果,并展示了多款新型航空装备。 这些成就不仅标志着中国航空工业在自主研发和创新能力上的显著提升,也预示着中国航空工业正朝着建设世界一流高科技产业集团的目标稳步迈进。 歼35隐身战斗机正式列装: 作为中国自主研制的最新一代单座双发隐身战斗机,歼35在本次大会上首次公开了其详细性能参数。 该机型具备卓越的隐 …
科研级模型; 科普级模型; 收藏级模型; 数字化展览; 航空创客
AG600 Amphibious Aircraft - Airport Technology
The AG600, also known as TA-600, is the world’s biggest amphibious aircraft developed by Chinese state aircraft manufacturer, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The aircraft is intended for forest fire-fighting, ocean monitoring, ocean …
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