AVID HIFI - Sequel
Sequel. Allowing you to experience the very best that vinyl has to offer, the Sequel will impress you with its combination of crisp clean clarity, outstanding solidity and precise sound. Cascading key features from our iconic Acutus, Sequel has a focus and immediacy, coupled with delicacy and finesse that is very beguiling.
AVID HiFi Sequel SP Review – Solid as a rock… - HiFi BLOG
2020年7月1日 · So even if at first glance the AVID HiFi Sequel SP looks quite similar to the AVID HiFi Volvere SP, the AVID HiFi Sequel SP is ultimately more than an upgrade of its little brother, as it benefits from a more sophisticated power supply and engine control system, as well as other design measures that are the direct result of the development of ...
AVID Sequel SP,重新審視高階唱盤該有的特質 - 普洛影音 ...
AVID Sequel SP,重新審視高階唱盤該有的特質 sub-chassis 長得頗像船的龍骨,一端可接唱臂座,底部三點直接與彈簧銜接,還可以與彈簧套筒連上皮帶形成水平阻尼。
AVID Sequel SP Turntable - Analogue Seduction
AVID Sequel SP Turntable Sequel is so much more than a step-up model from the Volvere. With a touch of high-end engineering finesse, the already robust chassis and structure benefit from a bespoke suspension system, bearing and platter.
【黑胶回潮】重新审视高阶唱盘该有的特质:AVID Sequel SP
2019年4月5日 · AVID第一款产品就是旗舰级唱盘Acutus,接着是规格下放的中阶型号Volvere,由于原厂希望可以有一款结合搭载Acutus高驱动力马达、电源,但盘身规格精实一点的型号,于是就推出了Sequel唱盘。
about the original Sequel. And while hearing the Acutus demonstrated that further improvements were indeed possible, sonically the Sequel more than held its own. Now the Sequel has evolved into the Sequel SP, Avid has been compelled to improve the Acutus to, no doubt, justify the higher price of its flagship model. The Sequel SP features a rigid
Avid Sequel Turntable Reviews - The Vinyl Engine
I've had the Sequel for about 4 months and used it about 60 hours. I've had a turntable since 1972 and been through Pioneer, Bill Fierbaughs 'table (cant remember the name), and Nottingham 294. The 294 is a good table but I became dissatisfied and started looking around knowing that it is unlikely I would buy another one.
AVID Sequel SP Turntable w/Rega RB330 Tone... For Sale
2022年9月3日 · The affordable AVID Sequel SP transports the listener to within breathing distance of the reference-level AVID Acutus. The Avid Sequel SP employs an unmodified Acutus motor and outboard power supply for significantly better control, pace, timing and overall sense of the original recorded event.
avid hifi ltd :: sequel
Sequel 新版"SP" 采用AVID 最新DSP电源控制器,转速可精准微调控制,马达稳定性与震动控制也做了改进。 双皮带驱动与改良轴承可提升转盘的动态性,原本已是世界级的唱盘,音色更进一步提升。
avid hifi ltd :: sequel
Aside from the superlative audio performance, the Sequel is one of the more aesthetically pleasing models in the world of high-end turntables and a worthy centrepiece for any domestic hi-fi system.