Avro 618 Ten - Wikipedia
The Avro 618 Ten or X was a passenger transport aircraft of the 1930s. It was a licensed version by Avro of the Fokker F.VIIB/3m.
Accident Avro 624 VR-HBF, Monday 4 July 1932
The Avro plane, which was based in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, China, crashed under unknown circumstances. At least four passengers were killed.
Avro 624 – Wikipedia
Die Avro 624 Six war ein dreimotoriges Passagierflugzeug des britischen Herstellers Avro aus den 1930er-Jahren. Nach dem Erfolg der Avro 618 Ten entschloss man sich bei Avro, ein ähnliches Flugzeug zu bauen, das zwar kleiner als die Ten, jedoch geringfügig größer als die Avro 619 Five sein sollte.
Avro 618 Ten, 619 Five, 624 Six and 642 - britishaviation-ptp.com
Type 624 Six Slightly larger variant of the Type 619 for two pilots plus four passengers, with a wider cockpit, dual controls and a toilet aft of the cabin. The slightly deeper fuselage featured revised cabin glazing and passenger entrance door..
Avro aeroplanes - Airports Worldwide
Avro was a British aircraft manufacturer, with numerous landmark designs such as the Avro 504 trainer in the First World War, the Avro Lancaster which was one of the pre-eminent bombers during the Second World War and the delta wing Avro Vulcan, a stalwart of the Cold War.
Aerial Visuals - Airframe Dossier - Avro 624 Six, c/r G-AAYR
Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier... This Aerial Visuals page provides airframe history details of a specific airframe from the airframe database.
Avro 618 Ten - Vikipedija
Avro 618 Ten (arba Avro 618 X) – XX amžiaus trečiame dešimtmetyje sukurtas keleivinis ir transportinis lėktuvas. Orlaivis buvo licencinė olandiško keleivinio lėktuvo Fokker F.VIB/3m versija, gaminta britų aviacijos koncerno „Avro“, varoma …
Aircraft Data G-AAYR, Avro 624 Six C/N 457 - One-stop Aviation …
Everything you need to know about G-AAYR (Avro 624 Six C/N 457) including aircraft data, history and photos
Avro 624 Six - aviastar.org
The aeroplane in the uppermost photograph is the Avro 624 Six, but the lower photograph is not the same aircraft and is more reminiscent of the Avro 618 Five. reply Geoff Garrett , e-mail , 10.09.2011 21:00
Уголок неба ¦ Avro 624 Six - airwar.ru
Это был шестиместный высокоплан, оснащенный тремя пятицилиндровыми звездообразными двигателями Armstrong Siddeley Genet Major мощностью 105 л.с. (78 кВт). После испытаний прототипа компания доработала второй экземпляр самолета (G-ABBY). Он отличался подфюзеляжными гондолами и наклонным лобовым стеклом от …