AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link - Smart Weapons
The AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link allows the operator to select an aimpoint for weapon impact, and provides the only currently available link between munition seekers and humans. This link generally requires electro-optical/infrared acquisition in clear weather.
Raytheon: Raytheon and Ultra Electronics Team to Pursue Next …
Raytheon's operation at Indianapolis has designed, manufactured and provided in-service support for bomb racks and missile launchers since 1971. The current Mil-Std-1760 smart weapon interface had its roots at the Indianapolis facility with the initial design of the AWW-13 weapon data link pod in the late 1980s.
AN/AWW-13 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The AN/AWW-13 is a weapons data link pod manufactured by Raytheon for use with the SLAM ER air-to-surface land attack cruise missile. The AN/AWW-13 has been designed for integration with fighter aircraft such as the F-16 and F-15E/K.
USDoD MIL-DTL-85629 | Free Access from Standards Technology …
2019年5月14日 · This specification establishes the performance, design, manufacture, and acceptance requirements for AN/AWW-13 Guided Weapon Control-Monitor Set, herein referred to as the pod. The pod is for use in guided weapon systems and provides transmission of command signals and reception of video data between the control aircraft and the weapon.
data link missile remote-control | Military Aerospace
2022年8月8日 · Officials of the Naval Air Systems Command at Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Md., are asking the Boeing Defense, Space & Security segment in St. Louis to provide 36 SLAM-ER AN/AWW-13 advanced...
AGM-84K SLAM-ER - Military.com
Most significant characteristics are: a highly accurate, GPS-aided guidance system; an imaging infrared seeker and two-way data link with the AWW-13 Advanced Data Link pod for Man-In-The-Loop...
美军导弹武器数据链及其在体系作战中的应用 - 道客巴巴
2017年5月19日 · 导弹武器数据链是导弹武器与整个作战体系之间信息无缝铰链、高度互操作的物理基础,实现了武器平台透明的战场感知、广域的信息互联、统一的时空基准,提高了导弹武器的快速反应能力和协同打击能力,支撑形成了新一代导弹武器基于信息系统的体系作战能力 [6-10] 。 1 美军导弹武器数据链发展1. 1 早期武器数据链美军 20 世纪 80 年代开始研制武器数据链,比较典型且进行了装备应用的是美空军为 F-15 战斗机和美海军为 F/A-18 战斗机载航空武器研制的 …
F/A-18C Stores - DCS Documentation
2022年2月5日 · AN/AWW-13 Advanced Datalink¶ The AN/AWW-13 is used to receive post-launch video from, and send guidance commands to, the AGM-62 Walleye, AGM-84E SLAM, and AGM-84K SLAM-ER. AN/ASQ-T50 TCTS Pod ¶
海湾战争中导弹穿洞到底发生在哪次作战中? - 知乎
2016年7月31日 · 而且根据AGM-84E SLAM的制导方式,导弹导引头拍摄到的画面是使用AGM-62“白眼星”电视制导炸弹的AWW-13数据链吊舱来进行传输的,这种上世纪七八十年代技术水准的数据链能传输什么质量的视频想必大家也能想得到。 我当时看的时候如果没有文字说明的话根本就想不到这视频是啥,媒体估计也不会在这么多年后还引用这种满屏马赛克(还是黑白的)的视频。 如果对这种视频真的很好奇的话可以看着这个脑补一下,反正Kh-59MK和AGM-84E的制导方 …
DCS World Pro
Smart search, filtering, and sharing of DCS Weapons. The AN/AWW-13 Advanced Data Link allows the operator to select an aimpoint for weapon impact, and provides the only currently available link between munition seekers and humans. This link generally requires electro-optical/infrared acquisition in clear weather.