FM3 Mk II Turbo – Amp Modeler – FX Processor - Fractal Audio Systems
The FM3 features our latest CYGNUS X2 Amp Modeling—a technology developed by Fractal Audio for the award-winning Axe-Fx III. It captures the sound — and the equally important feel — of real tube amps, with 300+ models offering an impressive range of clean tones, elusive “edge of breakup”, and everything from warm, touch-sensitive ...
Fractal Audio FM3 Amp Modeler / FX Processor - Reverb
Make room for new gear in minutes. * Excludes Brand New, B Stock, Fair, Poor, and Non-functioning. Prices exclude shipping and tax/VAT/GST. Reverb is a marketplace bringing together a wide-spanning community to buy, sell, and discuss all things music gear.
FM3 MKII Turbo Amp Modeler Multi-FX Floor Unit - Fractal Audio …
The FM3 Mk II Turbo is an all-in-one amp modeler, effects processor and foot controller. It features our latest CYGNUS X2 amp modeling , developed for the award-winning Axe-Fx III. The FM3 recreates the sound and the feel of real tube amps, with 300+ models offering an impressive range of clean, “edge of breakup”, and everything from warm ...
- 评论数: 29
Fractal Audio Systems – Axe-Fx III – FM9 – FM3 – Amp Modeler – …
AXE-FX III • THE MOST POWERFUL GUITAR PROCESSOR IN THE WORLD, BY FAR. Our FC-6 and FC-12 provide foot control for Axe-Fx III, and can also be used to add extra switches to the FM9 or FM3. New Mark II versions feature larger footswitch displays that are easier to read from a standing position.
Axe-Fx III, FM9 and FM3 - Fractal Audio Wiki
2025年2月13日 · The Axe-Fx III uses TI DSPs while the FM3 uses Analog Devices. The Ares architecture was a huge undertaking with the ultimate goal of faster product development and easy synchronization of multiple product lines.
FM3 Downloads, Firmware Updates, Factory Presets, Preset Banks, FM3 …
2024年10月11日 · FM3 Downloads including FM3 Owner’s Manual, Fractal Audio Blocks Guide, FM3 Firmware, FM3 Factory Presets, FM3 Factory Banks, FM3 Driver and more
Fractal FM3 · Amp Modeler · FX Processor · Floor Unit - G66.eu
The FM3 features Fractal Audio's latest CYGNUS Amp Modeling—a technology developed by Fractal Audio for the award-winning Axe-Fx III. It captures the sound — and the equally important feel — of real tube amps, with 300+ models offering an impressive range of clean tones, elusive “edge of breakup”, and everything from warm, touch ...
Fractal Audio Systems FM3 Amp Modeler/FX Processor review
2020年11月16日 · Fractal Audio’s take on amp modelling has plenty of admirers but when its flagship Axe-Fx III rackmount unit is combined with one of the FC-6 or FC-12 controllers for a fully functional stage/studio rig it doesn’t come cheap. If you fancy some of that, though, the new FM3 offers a more affordable option.
FM3 vs AXE-FX III-Main Differences? - Fractal Audio Systems …
2021年6月26日 · I'm going to be traveling most of the coming year and just updated the FM3 and transferred over all my custom presets and cabs from the Axe-FX III. What is the main qualitative difference between the two units? Is there a sonic quality difference between the two units? Does the same preset sound different/better on one than the other?
Fractal Audio Systems ( フラクタルオーディオシステムズ ) >FM3…
FM3-Editは、プリセットなどの表示、編集、管理を行うFM3用のMac / Windows対応エディターです。 プリセット全体を瞬時に確認でき、ブロックやパラメータの編集、コピー / ペースト、ドラッグアンドドロップなどを行うことができます。