Axiom: 100+kW Motor Controller - Hackaday.io
2019年4月11日 · It is a 3 phase motor controller. It takes a DC voltage and generates 3 sinewaves for driving a motor, conceptually similar to those small ESC for drones and bikes. The difference is that this particular setup can safely work with a …
Axiom, A 100+kW Motor Controller For Making Big Motors Move
2019年11月4日 · The Axiom motor controller was a winner of the bootstrap contest and is a Finalist in the 2019 Hackaday Prize. The driver aims to deliver 300A continuous at 400V all day long.
Axiom: 100+kW controller - VESC Project
2017年9月10日 · We are releasing some neat piece of hardware, if you like it please leave a like and follow the project! https://hackaday.io/project/164932-axiom-100kw-motor-controller. We …
Axiom: 100kW motor controller - Share Project - PCBWay
2020年2月22日 · The next-gen motor controller, fueled by the open source VESC platform. Axiom puts BIG motors under control to change the world!
Axiom - a 100kW+ full featured motor controller - DIY Electric …
2019年4月29日 · like marcos said, you can read about some of the new code features recently added not only to this controller but to all users of VESC platform in the logs of the HackAday post here the Axiom controller is the real deal. it really is high power, high performance and schematic, BOM and code really is (or will be soon) open source.
4个年轻工程师共同打造了一款开源电机控制器,据说将颠覆电动 …
2019年5月13日 · 与 VESC 完全兼容的大功率、高性能 400V 300A 100+kW 电机控制器. Axiom 有史以来第一次提供针对大型 三相电机 的清晰、开放的精确控制。 电动汽车 的时代即将到来,电动汽车销量大幅度增长,许多大大小小的公司为了在未来的交通运输中争夺主导地位,已经投入了数十亿甚至数百亿美金,所以 Axiom 电机控制器的问世恰逢其时。 这款电机控制器由无尽领域论坛传奇人物 HighHopes、1/4 英里电动汽车世界纪录保持者 Arlo1、技术登峰造极的 Maxi 和入选 …
Axiom: a 100kW+ motor controller - Endless Sphere DIY EV Forum
2017年6月22日 · For some months I've been working on a fork of VESC thanks to resources of pymco.fr and paltatech.com The original VESC is an open source inverter for up to 50v and around 3-5kw motors, and Benjamin (vesc creator) helped me …
Project | Axiom: 100+kW Motor Controller - Hackaday.io
VESC uses an STM32F405 microcontroller which has the following capabilities: 168MHz ARM core; 1MB flash; 192KB RAM; 12 bit ADC; 12 bit DAC; Advanced PWM; Built-in USB DFU bootloader; Open source toolchain, make and gcc based workflow. VESC firmware with 100,000+ lines of code and a RTOS.
Axiom: 100+kW Motor Controller | Details - Hackaday.io
2019年4月11日 · It is a 3 phase motor controller. It takes a DC voltage and generates 3 sinewaves for driving a motor, conceptually similar to those small ESC for drones and bikes. The difference is that this particular setup can safely work with a …
Axiom Motor Controller - KiCad
Axiom is a high power, high performance 100kW+ motor controller based upon the VESC platform for compatibility with firmware and GUI. It is designed for driving 650V 600A IGBTs and comes with many safety features.