AXIS-Y brings you vegan, climate-inspired Korean skincare tailored to your unique needs and environment. Powered by nature, guided by science, and inspired by our global community – we’re here to help you achieve your healthiest, most radiant skin yet.
Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum – AXIS-Y
With the help of plant-derived Squalane, this serum retains moisture to keep your skin glowing and healthy wherever you go. Read on about our best-selling, fan-favorite glow serum here!
Our products – AXIS-Y
AXIS-Y Vegan Collagen Eye Serum is your Ultimate Solution to Combat Wrinkles, Puffiness, and Dark Circles. This eye serum not only addresses fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles but also stands out with its exceptionally nourishing and highly absorbent formula.
AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - 5% Niacinamide …
AXIS-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - 5% Niacinamide Remedy for Dark Spots, Blemish & Freckle Remover - Vegan Korean Skin Care Niacinamide Serum for All Skin Types - 1.69 fl. oz. Visit the AXIS-Y Store
AXIS-Y - Watsons
Shop Online for authentic AXIS-Y at Watsons Malaysia. Download our Watsons App to discover all new arrivals and best buy AXIS-Y products and other personal care, health care , makeup, skincare products.
【保養開箱】韓國AXIS-Y安舒研|透潤雙效精華霜&淨亮白橡皮擦 …
2021年2月13日 · axiy-y 安舒妍 淨亮白橡皮擦精華. 容量:50ml. 價格:$890. 淨亮白橡皮擦精華主打#採用ewg認證安心成分#嫩白同時舒緩肌膚,除了多種天然植萃成分外,更富含 5% 煙醯胺能夠溫和調理黯黃肌膚,淡化臉上小瑕疵,天然植物萃取角鯊烷,充分補水保濕,均勻提亮肌膚
(保養) AXIS-Y安舒研來自韓國 為自然而生 敏弱肌保養推薦
2020年4月28日 · AXIS-Y安舒研藜麥平衡淨膚卸洗凝膠 讓我輕輕鬆鬆就把整臉彩妝卸除乾淨. 按壓瓶身的設計,裡面是透明的水感凝膠狀. AXIS-Y本獨家的6+1+1保養公式的概念,萃取六種多肌膚好的天然植萃成分,打造出這款弱酸性的洗卸凝膠. 敏感肌也可以安心使用呦! 防水型眼線液筆也可一次卸除乾淨呦! 在手上搓揉起泡後直接使用在彩妝處,眼線液一下子就溶解了! 我會在手心按壓2-3下,搓揉起泡後直接使用在肌膚上. AXIS-Y安舒研洗卸凝膠富含藜麥萃取,有豐富的 …
AXIS-Y好評推薦 - lala-v.com
最近與韓國axiy-y安舒妍相遇了! 第一眼就被它清新植萃的配色給吸引,看起來好好用呀~ 這次體驗axis-y 全系列, 使用了兩週後,我深刻感受到它的親膚與自然,極推薦給跟我一樣肌膚敏弱 或 喜歡單純成分保養品的人呦!
AXIS-Y - YouTube
At AXIS-Y, our community is at the core of what makes us, us. We are moved by the stories you collect as you pursue your goals, dreams, and continue or embark on your journey of self-discovery.
About us – AXIS-Y
At AXIS-Y, skincare is more than just a routine—it's an evolving journey, shaped by the environment, your lifestyle, and the unique needs of your skin. Rooted in our belief that skincare should adapt to life's ever-changing circumstances, we create climate-based solutions that offer personalized care for diverse skin types across the globe.
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