IM and Presence AXL failure - Cisco Community
2013年2月18日 · Everything worked fine, but suddenly I can't anymore synchronize the users from CUCM to CUP. On the CUP, in the CUCM Publisher settings page, the Sync Status says "AXL failure". But just under that, in the CUCM Publisher Status section, all lights are green: What's the problem?
UCCX AXL Authentication failed.Please try again.
2016年5月11日 · Now coming to the error message, below are the possible reasons: 1) CM version is not compatible. Refer to below Compatibility Matrix based on your UCCX version and check the same: http://docwiki.cisco.com/wiki/Unified_CCX_Software_Compatibility_Matrix_for_8.5%28x%29_and_Service_Releases. 2) AXL service is not running on the CM side.
CUCM AXL User Login Error - Cisco Community
2016年11月11日 · For this purpose, we have created a AXL user along with other required SIP Trunk and Route Pattern, recording profile for the call recording. The issue what we are facing is, we are getting error in the application while using the AXL user stating bad username & password, even though the AXL username & password are correct. we validated these ...
Troubleshoot Failed AXL Credentials - Salesforce
This article discusses frequent troubleshooting questions in connection with failed AXL credentials.
The AXL web service is enabled by default on Cisco CallManager servers and does not have to be installed or configured. Use the following checklist to avoid some common problems that may be
BugZero | Cisco BugID CSCwd08757 - AFG for CER Contains …
BugZero updated this defect 13 days ago. No defect details. Unable to connect to CUCM version 14 AXL and getting the errors below when trying to verify connectivity Request to CUCM failed with error code 599 (null).
Cisco UCM phone updates fail with Cisco UCM 12.5(1)SU3
2020年10月23日 · Phone updates with Cisco UCM fail causing phones to not be recognized as registered and available to receive InformaCast notifications. InformaCast's performance.log will contain errors related to the AXL requests like the following:
Cisco Emergency Responder Administration Guide for Release …
2024年2月1日 · Displays the following error message based on the AXL phone tracking schedule configured: AXL Phone Discovery failed to connect to axl url- https://<ip address>:8443. Connectivity issues arise due to the following:
CUC error "No AXL Remote or LDAP Servers were found. A Unified ...
2016年6月28日 · Upon checking the CUC, we cannot import any users from the CUCM and we are getting an error "No AXL Remote or LDAP Servers were found. A Unified Communications Manager and/or LDAP Directory server integration is required to import users." As per checking the the configuration of axl in cuc, the settings are properly configured.
Administrative XML Web Service (AXL) - Cisco DevNet
Beware that an attempt to make too many AXL requests in quick succession could be throttled. See Data Throttling and Performance. Examples of AXL operations include: AXL API methods, known as requests, use a combination of HTTPS and SOAP. Users perform requests by sending XML data to the Unified CM Publisher server.