Accuracy International AX MKIII Rifle - Rifleman Firearms
The latest in a long and distinguished line of combat proven sniper rifles, the AX MkIII multi calibre rifle system is supplied configured in one of 6 Available calibres.
AX MK3 RIFLE in any caliber: 65CR, 308WIN, 300NM, 338LM
AX MKIII features include an integral Arca-Swiss Style tripod mounting rail under the forend tube and forend grip, barricade supports, AI’s patented and Quickloc barrel system bolted to the …
AXMC 狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
AXMC在原来的AX 338的基础上增加快速转换口径的能力改进而成,用户通过更换枪管和枪机,就能从规定的三种口径之间进行转换,所以在AXMC机匣上有一个细节与AX 338不一样,就是多 …
精准国际公司两款新型步枪 分别针对多种口径 配备三脚架安装导 …
2021年3月10日 · 精准国际公司(Accuracy International)推出两款新型步枪:AX MKIII和AX 50 ELR。 AX MKIII由先进的多口径AXMC步枪改进而来,MKIII标准口径为.338拉普阿玛格南, …
Accuracy International AX MkIII Rifle - Quickfire Review
2021年8月23日 · Accuracy International AX MKIII Rifle Ex-sniper commander, Frank Fletcher takes a brief look at the new newest Rifle from Accuracy International, the AX MkIII. Leave a …
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Choose between or U.K. / rest of the world and U.S.A. markets. Specification may be changed without notice. PRIVACY POLICY. The items shown on this website are subject to the United …
New Rifles From Accuracy International | thefirearmblog.com
2020年2月25日 · Accuracy International Ltd. recently announced the launch of two new rifle models: the AX MKIII and the AX 50 ELR. The AX MkIII evolved from the advanced …
Accuracy International Announces Two New Rifle Models: The AX …
2020年2月27日 · Recently, Accuracy International (AI) announced their two new rifle models: the AX MKIII and AX 50 ELR rifles. The new AX MKIII evolved from the AI’s multi-caliber AXMC …
精密国际公司推出两款升级版狙击步枪 枪机和枪托成为改进的重点
2021年9月26日 · 早在2020年2月,精密国际就宣布推出AX MKIII和AX 50 ELR步枪,但由于COVID-19疫情的影响,这是我们第一次有机会近距离欣赏这些步枪。 AX50 ELR. 这是AX50的 …
AX MKIII Archives - Solids Solution Designs
AXMCMULTI CALIBRE RIFLE SYSTEM The latest in a long and distinguished line of combat proven sniper rifles, the multi calibre AXMC is supplied configured as a .338 Lap Mag which …