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輕巧便攜 自在穿梭都市街頭 Artist X3 作為雅迪電動滑板車系列的第三個型號,融合了舉重若「輕」的設計理念,以輕盈的外觀展現獨特風格。 其美學設計概念,融合了最優秀的避震技術,同時擁有便攜的特點,讓駕駛更加輕鬆愉悅。 產品亮點: 1.長續航,無憂出行 配備高性能鋰電池,雅迪 Artist X3 提供最長40公里續航,無論是日常通勤還是週末郊遊,都能輕鬆滿足需求,告別頻繁充電的困擾。 2.智能科技,提升使用體驗 雅迪 Artist X3 支援藍牙連接,與手機APP配對後,您可 …
Home - AXOL
The new Mountain Cat series uses the rock and roll Bobcat IP to create a distinctive style, adding fashion to the retro craftsmanship, producing Bobcat nameplates and washable labels, and using craftsmanship to create wooden mud removers and chain cover sets, paired with LED retro headlights, which are large-scale Improve the overall texture and sophistication.
Axol Rectangular Coffee Table – MCM House
The Axol Rectangular Coffee Table, made from natural stone and old elm timber, effortlessly represents the signature MCM House aesthetic of rugged elegance, by combining natural materials with textured finishes. Introducing our stone extension for the Axol range: Carrara White Marble, and Nero Marquina Black Marble joi
Axol Old Elm Round Coffee Table 1.2m – Bauhaus
Axol Old Elm Round Coffee Table 1.2m - Natural Light Travertine usually ships within 14-18 weeks. A naturally balanced design and combination of luxe travertine stone and rustic elm timber. Explore our latest bedroom products to compliment your special space of relaxation. Contact us or visit in store to consult with our team at Bauhaus.
Axol Low Line 6 Door Buffet | Travertine colors, Salvaged wood, Wood …
Jul 14, 2019 - The Axol Low Line 6 Door Buffet, made from natural stone and old elm timber, effortlessly represents the signature MCM House aesthetic of rugged elegance, by combining natural materials with textured finishes. Introducing our stone extension for the Axol range: Acid Wash Carrara White Marble, and Nero Marquina Black Ma
Our Story – Axol and Friends
Axol is a socially conscious Plushie made from recycled materials. Their design is inspired by the rare endangered axolotl, a salamander native to Mexico. A portion of every sale is donated to youth empowerment programs in central Mexico focused on teaching environmental conservation.
Scented Axol the Axolotl Launched – Axol and Friends
2025年3月16日 · Axol is a socially conscious Plushie made from recycled materials. Their design is inspired by the rare endangered axolotl, a salamander native to Mexico. A portion of every sale is donated to youth empowerment programs in central …
Axol Side Table – MCM House
The Axol Side Table, made from natural stone and old elm timber, effortlessly represents the signature MCM House aesthetic of rugged elegance, by combining natural materials with textured finishes. Introducing our stone extension for the Axol range: Acid Wash Carrara White Marble, and Nero Marquina Black Marble join ou
AXOL Bioscience
Axol Bioscience is the leading manufacturer of functional iPSC-derived cells and provider of outsourced services to support drug discovery programs. With over a decade of hard-earned stem cell experience, Axol has become a valued partner to the BioPharma community who look to employ more human-relevant iPSC-powered in vitro models for their ...
Axol Bioscience利用前沿干细胞技术制备高品质的人类神经干细胞及神经元。 大脑皮质神经元与多种神经系统疾病相关,包括阿尔茨海默病、自闭症、癫痫、外伤性脑损伤和中风等。