YSP Axol 3mg/ml Syrup 100ml - DoctorOnCall
YSP Axol 3mg/ml Syrup 100ml is a mucolytic medication. It works by loosening mucus (phlegm) in the nose, windpipe and lungs, thus making it easier to cough out. It is more commonly used …
- 评论数: 923
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What AXOL LIQUID is used for . AXOL LIQUIDis a medicine used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid mucus. How AXOL LIQUID works . AXOL LIQUID contains …
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AXOL LIQUID - myHealthbox
2025年1月29日 · AXOL LIQUID 3MGML. Available in: Malaysia. Language: English. Source: NPRA (National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency, Bahagian Regulatori Farmasi Negara) …
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袪痰劑. YSP. “永信”. 暢痰. (艾普樂索). Axol. (Ambroxol). 本藥主成分係Bromhexine之代謝產物,具有更優秀的袪痰排痰效果。 【成分】每錠中含: Ambroxol Hydrochloride ...
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YSP Axol Syrup 100ml | Online Pharmacy - doctoroncall.com
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- 评论数: 1180
Axol Syrup Perisa Grape Ubat kahak batuk 100ml - Shopee Malaysia
YSP Axol 3mg/ml Syrup 100ml is a mucolytic medication. It works by loosening mucus (phlegm) in the nose, windpipe and lungs, thus making it easier to cough out. It is more commonly used …
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