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艾达尔库尔湖——原始之美的绿洲 | Uzbekistan Travel
除了湖泊丰富的动植物资源外,艾达尔库尔湖还被认为是最佳度假胜地之一。绵延数公里的沙滩拥有细腻洁净的沙粒,湖岸的植被保持着原始的纯净,宁静祥和的环境让游客流连忘返,留下难 …
Aydarkul –a pristine beauty oasis | Uzbekistan Travel
Aydarkul is a drainless lake in the Kyzylkum desert, often called the "turquoise sea in the sand". It is a popular destination for water tourism, fishing, and wildlife observation, with diverse flora and fauna and yurt camps on the banks.
Lake Aydarkul, Uzbekistan - Advantour
Learn about the mysterious origin and rich fauna of Aydarkul Lake, a crystal pure lake in the middle of Kyzylkum Desert. Explore the religious and cultural sights of Nurata and spend a night in a yurt camp.
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Aydar-Arnasay System of Lakes - Central Asia Guide
2022年4月1日 · Aydarkul Lake translates as “turquoise sea in the sands”. It is located about 50 km northeast of Nurata town, north from the Nuratau black mountains and is also within a day trip distance from Tashkent. The length of …
The Aydarkul lake - Tours to Uzbekistan
2012年6月12日 · Aydarkul is a large artificial lake formed by the flood water of the Sirdarya river. It is a popular destination for fishing, birdwatching and yurt camping in the desert and mountain scenery of Uzbekistan.
Lake Aydarkul, Uzbekistan
Lake Aydarkul, one of the most captivating natural wonders in Uzbekistan, is a vast and picturesque body of water located in the heart of Central Asia. Spanning across the Kyzylkum …
Lake "Aydarkul" - SUN TRAVEL
Aydarkul-a large drainless lake in the North-Eastern part of Uzbekistan, is an artificial reservoir in the Arnasay system of lakes. In the early 1960s, the Syr Darya was dammed. Sunny journey without worries
Lake Aydarkul - an oasis in the Kyzylkum desert
Lake Aydarkul is a large body of water in the Aydar-Arnasay system, the area of which occupies about 4 thousand km2 and includes three salt lakes: Aydarkul, Arnasay and Tuzkan. Due to the salty water and sandy beach, the endorheic …