Ayie - Wikipedia
Ayie is the first of two stages of a traditional marriage ceremony of the Luo tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. The ceremony involves the payment of a bride price by the groom to the mother of the bride. Ayie is a Dholuo word, which means "I agree", referring to the fact that the mother of the bride accepts the bride price and agrees for the ...
What is the meaning of "ayie"? - Question about Filipino
2019年10月30日 · “Ayie” is an expression usually used when you tease someone for, most commonly, a romantic/sweet/cheesy reason, or any reason one could/should be proud of. (Maybe) Interesting fact: It’s usually used/ said as “ayiiee!” Wherein one’s pitch goes up. Example: - Ted said he likes you. Ayie! - Your dad got you a car for your birthday ...
Traditional Luo Marriage Process - (Ayie and Nyombo)
2023年1月20日 · Ayie (Acceptance) After arriving in her new home, the lady did not become a wife immediately. The man had to first formally visit her parents to take "Ayie". This was a gesture to the in-laws that the man was satisfied with the lady. He would then proceed to seek her hand in marriage. Ayie was specifically for the bride's mother.
"ayie"是什麼意思? - 關於菲律賓語的問題 | HiNative
2019年10月30日 · “Ayie” is an expression usually used when you tease someone for, most commonly, a romantic/sweet/cheesy reason, or any reason one could/should be proud of. (Maybe) Interesting fact: It’s usually used/ said as “ayiiee!” Wherein one’s pitch goes up. Example: - Ted said he likes you. Ayie! - Your dad got you a car for your birthday ...
What does ayie mean? - Definitions.net
Ayie is the first of two stages of a traditional marriage ceremony of the Luo tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. The ceremony involves the payment of a bride price by the groom to the mother of the bride. Ayie is a Dholuo word, which means "I agree", referring to the fact that the mother of the bride accepts the bride price and agrees for the ...
MARRIAGE IN THE CULTURE... - Hon. Obaricks Erick Ochieng MP
2024年11月9日 · A man, who intends to marry his girlfriend, has to ask the parents of the bride for their agreement and define the bride price, the Ayie is the ceremony involving the payment of a sum to the mother of the bride.
What does ayie ang ganda mo naman mean? - HiNative
Definition of ayie ang ganda mo naman ganda mo naman= you're beautiful. ayiee is an expression means someone is blushing or seeing someone they admire
Molly and Victor's Ayie Ceremony Luo - YouTube
#ayie #traditionalengagement #traditionalweddingThis is Molly's and Victor's Famous Luo Ayie Traditional Video
What is the meaning of "Ayieee!"? - Question about Filipino
2023年5月21日 · Definition of Ayieee! Ayiee doesn't really have a direct translation. It's just an expression that people use when there's a "heart fluttering" or kilig moment that happens and to tease their friends. It's usually used by close friends and it's a really casual expression. It can also be shortened to "Yieee" Example sentence: "Hey look! Your crush is looking at you! Ayieeee!"|Ayieeee is a form ...
Ayie - Wikiwand
Ayie is the first of two stages of a traditional marriage ceremony of the Luo tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. The ceremony involves the payment of a bride price by the groom to the mother of the bride. Ayie is a Dholuo word, which means "I agree", referring to the fact that the mother of the bride accepts the bride price and agrees for the ...