Ayo Jabe | Critical Role Wiki - Fandom
Ayo Jabe is a water genasi of orc parentage and the de facto leader of the rival adventuring party in Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep, set in or shortly after 836 PD. Ayo is depicted as having the tusks and ears of an orc but also has blue skin characteristic of a water genasi.
Ayo Jabe's adventuring party | Critical Role Wiki | Fandom
Ayo Jabe: the water genasi leader of the party. [2][3] While her family has lived in Jigow for generations, she was "born to orc parents during a terrible storm in the Emerald Gulch ". [3] . She wants to go on adventures and become a legendary hero. [3] .
Ayo Jabe (Tier 3) - 5etools
Ayo wields a ruidium harpoon (see appendix B). If Ayo rolls a 1 on an attack roll made with the harpoon, she must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
Face Off Against Rival NPCs in Call of the Netherdeep!
2022年2月22日 · Ayo Jabe, the leader of the band, is a chaotic good water genasi and a hard-hitting ranger. Her challenge rating is 3, keeping her in step with the player characters at the start of the adventure. Expect her power to grow over the course of the adventure.
Dungeons & Dragons: Call Of The Netherdeep - TheGamer
2022年3月22日 · Ayo Jabe is the leader of the rival adventuring party that appears in Call of the Netherdeep and is a water genasi ranger born from orcish parents. Ayo is notably fast to act and impulsive, with a low tolerance for those who beat around the bush, valuing those who are as headstrong as herself.
Ayo Jabe's adventuring party - Critical Role
Ayo Jabe: the water genasi leader of the party. [2][3] She is from Jigow, where her orcish family has lived for a long time; she is a genasi having been born during a major storm in the Emerald Gulch. [3] . She wants to go on adventures and become a legendary hero. [3] .
Ayo Jabe (Tier 1) - 5etools
Ayo casts one of the following spells, using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11):
艾优·贾贝 - dnd5e.glassfoxowo.com
艾优·贾贝Ayo Jabe(1阶段) 中型类人生物(游侠、水元素裔),混乱善良. 护甲等级 14( 镶嵌皮甲 ) 生命值 65 (10d8+20) 速度 30尺 ,游泳3 0 尺. 力量 14 (+2) 敏捷14 (+2) 体质14 (+2) 智力10 (+0) 感知12 (+1) 魅力12 (+1) 豁免 力量 +4, 敏捷 +4. 技能 运动+ 4 ,察觉+ 3 ,生存+ 3 ...
Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep - Fandom
Ayo Jabe leads a party consisting of Dermot Wurder, Maggie Keeneyes, Irvan Wastewalker, and Galsariad Ardyth. [10][17] The rivals level up as the player characters advance in the story. [18] . Matthew Mercer highlighted that mechanically the inclusion of rival adventurers adds a "ticking clock to the narrative". [19] .
Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep - TV Tropes
Ayo Jabe, as The Leader, certainly wants to be a hero and lead her team to newfound glory and prestige after hearing about the Jewel of Three Prayers and what it could potentially bring them.