This is Mono R: a higher-performance, lighter and more advanced new generation of the iconic Mono; the very pinnacle of design, innovation and engineering “
2024 BAC Mono | BAC USA
The Mono range implements the very latest in automotive technology to achieve a supercar that is widely regarded as the ultimate piece of specialist equipment for the sport of driving. Mono is designed, engineered and directed by leading experts with backgrounds ranging from the high-end automotive sector to the highest levels of motorsport.
BAC Mono — BAC
“ BAC Mono is one of the most beautifully built, exquisitely engineered cars money can buy. Although it’s safe to say the driving experience is almost priceless ” — Tiff Needell, Lovecars
bac mono - 百度百科
BAC MONO在性能方面非常卓越,2.3升Cosworth自然吸气引擎爆发出280 bhp ( 209 kW / 285 PS),采用纵置布局,由电子系统控制,匹配Hewland提供的6速 换挡拨片 序列变速器以及 限滑差速器 ,前后轴配重比为48/52。
Mono Specification - BAC
F3 style BAC / ITG aero optimized carbon inlet, remote filtration system and carbon airbox Exhaust BAC developed, ceramic coated, 4 into 2 into 1 stainless steel exhaust manifold and centrally mounted exhaust system
英国超跑 改款BAC Mono 与 Mono R 联袂登场 - 网易
2024年3月2日 · BAC Mono. 全新MONO车身核心搭载2.5 升自然进气4缸的动力系统,经过升级后以提供最完美的动力展现,转速最高可达到8,000转,输出为320匹/ 31.9公斤米,除了出色的动力性能外,MONO的重量功率比,车重仅570 kg,每吨动力达到 553 bhp。
进2秒玩家俱乐部 图说BAC Mono单座跑车 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
来自英国的BAC(Briggs Automotive Company)就在近日发布了新款Mono单座跑车。 新车的外观空气动力学套件经过重新设计,动力系统有所增强,使其0-60mph(0-96km/h)加速时间缩短至2.7秒。
【Mono 2024款】BAC_Mono 2024款报价_图片_汽车之家
汽车之家Mono 2024款频道,提供Mono 2024款报价,BAC在售Mono 2024款图片,BAC在售Mono参数配置,Mono最新文章,保养周期及费用等最新信息,最精彩Mono2024款汽车内容 ...
纯粹:BAC Mono - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当你想开车而且只是纯粹想开车的时候,那么你就可以将身体滑进BAC Mono。 它只拥有驾驶所必需的东西,哪怕你只拿掉其中一样,它都不再满足你的驾驶需求。
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