B-26轟炸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
b-26g—最終量產型號。 外觀與B-26F相同,但內部增加了C-1自動駕駛儀,內部儀器升級為「陸軍-海軍統一標準」,內外所有油路與中央交叉輸油系統相連,增加裝甲。
Warplanes of the USA: Martin B-26 Marauder
Martin B-26B bomber, "A Kay Pro's Dream". The Martin B-26 Marauder is an American twin-engined medium bomber that saw extensive service during the Second World War. The B-26 …
MARTIN B-26 MARAUDER - Warbirds Resource Group
B-26G: 38,200 lb. (17,340 kg.) Max. Speed: Internal load of 5,200 lb. (2359 kg) up to 641st B-26B, after which rear bay was disused (eliminated in F, G) to give maximum load of 4,000 lb. (1814 …
B-26 Marauder, U.S. Medium Bomber
The B-26G introduced a slight wing angle to improve handling during takeoff. The Marauder was an extremely “hot” bomber, with very high wing loading and touchy handling. Some crews …
Incident Martin B-26G Marauder 44-67984, Monday 13 March 1944
Date/time Contributor Updates; 11-Oct-2012 05:30: Uli Elch: Added : 11-Oct-2012 07:35: Uli Elch: Updated [Date, Aircraft type, Registration, Location, Country, Damage ...
Martin B-26 'Marauder' - War in the Skies
Martin B-26 'Marauder' The Martin B-26 Marauder was a World War II twin-engined medium bomber built by the Glenn L. Martin Company. The B-26 began flying combat missions in the …
B-26轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
b-26g—最终量产型号。 外观与B-26F相同,但内部增加了C-1自动驾驶仪,内部仪器升级为“陆军-海军统一标准”,内外所有油路与中央交叉输油系统相连,增加装甲。
Martin B-26 Marauder
Performance: maximum speed 282 mph (454 km/h) at 15,000 ft (4570 m); climb to 15,000 ft (4600 m) in 13 minutes 0 seconds; service ceiling 21,000 ft (6400 m); range 1,150 miles (1851 km) …
Martin B-26 Marauder - Wikiwand
The Martin B-26 Marauder is an American twin-engined medium bomber that saw extensive service during World War II. The B-26 was built at two locations: Baltimor...
Martin B-26 Marauder - bomber - aviastar.org
The B-26 initial production version was powered by two 1,378.6kW Pratt & Whitney R-2800-5 radial engines and carried a defensive armament of five 12.7mm machine-guns in the nose, …