[1905.04142] Is the structure of 42Si understood? - arXiv.org
2019年5月10日 · Abstract: A more detailed test of the implementation of nuclear forces that drive shell evolution in the pivotal nucleus \nuc{42}{Si} -- going beyond earlier comparisons of excited-state energies -- is important. The two leading shell-model effective interactions, SDPF-MU and SDPF-U-Si, both of which reproduce the low-lying \nuc{42}{Si}($2^+_1 ...
Ab initio calculations for well deformed nuclei: 40Mg and 42Si
2024年1月1日 · First, the rotational spectra of 40 Mg, 42 Si, and 44 S are established theoretically, anchored by the calculated E2 transition strength. The results suggest that 40 Mg and 42 Si exhibit large deformations.
‘Magic’ nucleus 42Si | Nature
2005年6月16日 · A unique opportunity to study these shell effects is offered by the 42 Si nucleus, which has 28 neutrons—a magic number in stable nuclei—and 14 protons. This nucleus has a 12-neutron excess...
2019年6月4日 · A description of 42Si has challenged nuclear structure physics for a long time. Early on, the β-decay half-life of 42Si [3] and the par-ticle stability of 43Si [4] were interpreted as indicators that the N = 28 magic number had broken-down, but that a pronounced Z = 14 sub-shell closure may pre-vent 42Si from being well deformed [5–8]. These ...
Is the Structure of Si 42 Understood? - Physical Review Link …
2019年6月4日 · The two leading shell-model effective interactions, SDPF-MU and SDPF-U-Si, both of which reproduce the low-lying Si 42 (2 1 +) energy, but whose predictions for other observables differ significantly, are interrogated by the population of states in neutron-rich Si 42 with a one-proton removal reaction from P 43 projectiles at 81 MeV / nucleon.
2013年2月4日 · Newly-published 42Si gamma-ray spectra and a final-state-inclusive 42Si production cross section value, obtained in a higher-statistics intermediate-energy two-proton removal experiment from 44S, are considered in terms of the final-state-exclusive cross sections computed using proposed shell-model effective interactions for nuclei near N = 28.
(PDF) ‘Magic’ nucleus 42Si - ResearchGate
A unique opportunity to study these shell effects is offered by the 42Si nucleus, which has 28 neutrons--a magic number in stable nuclei--and 14 protons. This nucleus has a 12-neutron excess over...
Well developed deformation in 42Si - PubMed
2012年11月2日 · Together with the ratio for (42)Si, the results show a rapid deformation development of Si isotopes from N = 24 to N = 28. Excited states in (38,40,42) Si nuclei have been studied via in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy with multinucleon removal reactions.
Is the Structure of ^ {42}Si Understood? - PubMed
2019年6月7日 · A more detailed test of the implementation of nuclear forces that drive shell evolution in the pivotal nucleus ^{42}Si-going beyond earlier comparisons of excited-state energies-is important. The two leading shell-model effective interactions, SDPF-MU and SDPF-U-Si, both of which reproduce the low-l …
(PDF) Well-developed deformation in 42Si - ResearchGate
2012年7月26日 · Excited states in 38,40,42Si nuclei have been studied via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with multi-nucleon removal reactions. Intense radioactive beams of 40S and 44S provided at the new facility...