Martin B-57 Canberra - Wikipedia
The Martin B-57 Canberra is an American-built, twin-engined tactical bomber and reconnaissance aircraft that entered service with the United States Air Force (USAF) in 1953. The B-57 is a license-built version of the British English Electric Canberra, manufactured by the Glenn L. …
B-57轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马丁B-57坎培拉轰炸机 (英语: Martin B-57 Canberra)是 美国 制的双喷射发动机 战术轰炸机 及高空侦察机,于1953年进入 美国空军 服役。 B-57为英国电气公司制 坎培拉式轰炸机 (英语:English Electric Canberra) 授权在美国制造的版本,但格伦马丁公司在原本坎培拉轰炸机的基础上亦做出许多重大的更动,并由此发展出许多非常特别的衍生型。 当1950年韩战爆发之时, 美国空军 赫然发现他们竟缺乏一种可全天候操作,用于战场阻绝的轰炸机。 A-26轰炸机 虽然堪 …
List of B-57 units of the United States Air Force - Wikipedia
It was the last tactical bomber used by the United States Air Force, being engaged in combat operations during the Vietnam War (1963–1971). It also performed a wide variety of other missions. This list is of the units it was assigned to, missions performed, and …
A Brief History of the B-57 Canberra - NASA
2024年1月24日 · The inception of the B-57 dates back to 1944, when World War II brought English Electric Company Ltd back into the business of designing airplanes. The company had gotten out of the design business in 1926, but with the dawn of the jet engine, the company decided to answer a proposal sent out by the Ministry of Aircraft Production.
B-57轰炸机 - 百度百科
B-57轰炸机(英文:B-57 Bomber,绰号:Canberra,译文:堪培拉)是20世纪50年代美国研制装备的全天候双座喷气式轰炸机。 B-57轰炸机是美国马丁公司在英国的“堪培拉”轰炸机基础上发展的,为了满足美空军要求,结构有所改进。
Martin B-57E - Pima Air & Space
Martin B-57E Canberra The B-57 is one of only two major combat aircraft of foreign design adopted for use by the United States military since the end of World War II. The first British built Canberra arrived in the United States in 1951 and U.S. built aircraft began flying two years later.
B-57E “Intruder” - SAC Aerospace Museum
Aircraft Type: B-57E, S/N 55-4244, Intruder, Martin. Mission: Low-level support bomber and tactical strike aircraft. Number Built: The Air Force accepted a total of 403 B-57′s, which were all produced in Baltimore, Maryland, by the Glenn L. Martin Co.
B-57 | Lockheed Martin
When equipped with forward-looking infrared, a laser-guidance system and low-light television cameras, B-57 weapons specialists could steer weapons to their targets through the pitch-black night sky. It was the world’s first successful launch of a “smart bomb” and was used throughout the war to disrupt the transfer of supplies and ...
Aircraft: Martin B-57E Night Intruder - Aero Web
We taught systems operation and maintenance procedures on the EB57 aircraft.
[科普中国]-B-57- · 科普中国网 - kepuchina.cn
b-57是美国马丁公司制造的全天候双座轻型轰炸机。 它是在英国的“堪培拉”轰炸机基础上发展的,又满足美空军要求,结构有所改进。 该机的动力装置为2台J65-W-5涡轮喷气发动机,单台推力为32千牛。
Martin B-57 Canberra Bomber - Airplanes Online
In the early 1950s the U.S. Air Force identified a need for a jet-powered medium bomber to quickly replace the aging, propeller-driven Douglas B-26 Invader. Thus, in March of 1951, the Air Force contracted with the Glenn Martin Company to build the British Canberra in the United States under license.
Martin B-57 Canberra - Strategic Air Command
The B-57 is a modified version of the English Electric Canberra which was first flown in Britain on May 13, 1949, and later produced for the Royal Air Force (RAF). After the Korean Conflict began in 1950, the USAF looked for a jet medium bomber to replace the aging Douglas B-26 Invader.
70 Years Old: What Is The Martin B-57 Canberra & How Is It Used …
2023年12月1日 · The Martin B-57 Canberra was developed by the USAF as a replacement for the Douglas B-26 Invaders during the Korean War. The B-57 was highly regarded for its bombing capacity and range, making it effective in tactical bombing missions during the Vietnam War.
【381作战室】载具科普#1-1:英国电气“堪培拉”与马丁B-57 ①
这些飞机由马丁公司生产,定型为b-57“堪培拉”。马丁自己研发了几种衍生型号。初始型号与买来的英国电气生产的飞机相同 (b-57a) ,随后他们该成了串联式座舱 (b-57b, c, e, g) ,但后续型号被大幅修改。
B-57 Canberra/52-1551 - Warbird Registry
The Martin/English Electric B-57 Canberra registry follows the history of all Canberras that survived military service.
Martin B-57B Canberra - National Museum of the USAF
Assigned to the 8th Bomb Squadron at Phan Rang, South Vietnam, in 1967, it flew in combat there for 2 1/2 years. After returning to the United States, it was converted to an electronic countermeasures EB-57B. It was flown to the museum in August 1981, and restored back to its Southeast Asia War bomber configuration in 2010.
Martin B-57 Canberra - Ecured
El Martin B-57 Canberra fue un bombardero ligero y avión de reconocimiento bimotor de reacción y de ala media fabricado por la compañía estadounidense Glenn L. Martin Company durante los años 1950, como una evolución del también bombardero inglés English Electric Canberra, que había realizado su primer vuelo en 1949, y del cual se ...
Martin EB-57E Canberra aircraft photos - AirHistory.net
One of four 24 AD/17 DSES EB-57Es from Malmstrom AFB, MT which deployed to RAF Woodbridge. This aircraft visited Soesterberg after flying exercise Dawn Patrol missions in Germany/Italy.
B-57B E-23927: B-57B in flight - dfrc.nasa.gov
This is a photograph of the Martin B-57 Canberra light bomber in flight. The aircraft has a bare-metal finish. The "V" insignia is from use in the Viking Mars Lander parachute test program.
Jimmy Kimmel Has 1 Biting Question For People Who Voted For …
2025年3月12日 · “He’s moving on Canada like a bitch,” Kimmel said, referring to comments Trump made on his infamous “Access Hollywood” tape. “And no one’s stopping him.” Kimmel said he believes Trump was kidding when he first mentioned turning Canada into a state last year. “But then one of his ...