Boeing 737 - Wikipedia
The 737-400 was launched in 1985 to fill the gap between the 737-300 and the 757-200. In June 1986, Boeing announced the development of the 737-400, [59] which stretched the fuselage a …
Boeing 737-400 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Boeing 737-400 Is a remarkable aircraft and was one of the great innovations of Boeing, increasing capacity yet keeping a relatively small and economic size. Announced in 1986, it is …
波音737-400 - 百度百科
波音737-400型是波音737-300飞机的加长型号,1985年开始研发,它和波音757型一起承担了波音727系列退役后留下的市场,主要迎合包机航空服务的需要。 1998年,最后一架737-400交付 …
Boeing 737 Classic - Wikipedia
Stretched by 10 ft (3.05 m), the 737-400 entered service on September 15, 1988. The 737-400 design was launched in 1985 to fill the gap between the 737-300 and the 757-200, and …
Boeing 737-400 - Airliners.net
Of the 737-300/-400/-500 family the 400 has proven the most successful member behind the 300, its larger capacity and transcontinental US range meaning it has found a very useful market for …
波音737 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
马来西亚航空的波音737-400. 737-400為737-300的加長型號,於1985年開始研發,主要配合包機航空服務的需要。皮埃蒙特航空是此型號的啟動客戶,於1986年訂購25架,首架於1988年投 …
Boeing 737 300/400/500 - Classics - The Boeing 737 Technical Site
Performance: Higher ceiling 37,000ft; Higher MTOW; 20% lower fuel burn than -200. Engines: High bypass (5:1), 18,500-23,500lb, CFM56-3. Fuselage: 44in fwd body extension, 60in aft …
目标100岁的飞行捷达—波音737在中国 - 什么值得买
2019年2月18日 · 737-400只有海航和新华航空(后并入海航)引进过客运型737-400,第一架是注册号是B-2960,引进自英国航空,于2013年退役交由Go2Sky运营。 下图是不同涂装时期的B …
纯干货!波音737——从Classic到MAX的进化论 - 知乎
737-200Adv,搭载JT8D-15A,推力增加了3%-11%,并改进了气动外形,使性能提升了大约15%。Adv型号自1971年代替了737-200标准型。 737-200 Unpaved strip kit,可在非铺装跑 …
波音737经典型 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书