The BBX7/8‐CCA1/LHY transcription factor cascade promotes …
2024年11月8日 · Genetically, BBX7 and BBX8 act upstream of CCA1, LHY, and PIF4 with respect to hypocotyl growth in shade conditions. Our study reveals the BBX7/8-CCA1/LHY transcription factor cascade upregulates PIF4 expression and increases its abundance to promote plant growth and development in response to shade.
The BBX family of plant transcription factors - ScienceDirect
2014年7月1日 · In this review we discuss the functions of BBX proteins and the role of B-box motif in mediating transcriptional regulation and protein–protein interaction in plant signaling. In addition, we provide novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of their action and the evolutionary significance of their functional divergence.
具有B-box结构域的一类锌指结构转录因子称为BBX,它们通过调控基因转录,与同类或其他转录因子的互作参与植物光形态建成、花发育、避荫效应、植物信号转导以及非生物和生物逆境响应等。 文中从BBX蛋白结构、分类以及其功能方面对该类转录因子在植物中的作用进行了综述。 Abstract: Transcriptional factors play important roles in plant growth, development and responses to stresses. BBX transcriptional factors are characterized with one or two B-box domains in the …
摘要: 光是调节植物生长发育的重要环境信号, BBX (B-box)家族蛋白在植物光信号转导过程中扮演着重 要角色, 它们通过在转录水平调节HY5的表达及在蛋白水平与COP1、HY5及PIFs等光信号转导的关键组
《New Phytologist》发表许冬清教授团队“The BBX7/8-CCA1/LHY …
2024年11月11日 · 遗传学实验分析发现bbx7和bbx8作用于cca1、 lhy 和pif4的上游。 研究论文阐明了BBX7/8-CCA1/LHY转录因子级联上调 PIF4 转录水平进而促进其蛋白积累,最终促进植物避荫反应。
B‐box proteins: Pivotal players in light‐mediated development …
B-box proteins (BBXs) in the regulation of CONSTANCE FLOWERING LOCUS T (CO-FT)-mediated photoperiodic flowering. BBX5 and BBX7 repress FT expression, while BBX6 and BBX24 activate the transcription of FT. BBX7 also negatively controls CO expression.
BBX7 interacts with BBX8 to accelerate flowering in chrysanthemum
2023年4月1日 · Yeast single hybridization, luciferase, electrophoretic mobility shift, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that CmBBX7 directly targets CmFTL1. In addition, we found that CmBBX7 and CmBBX8 interact to positively regulate the expression of CmFTL1 through binding to its promoter.
Multi-layered roles of BBX proteins in plant growth and …
2023年1月6日 · In this review, we summarize and highlight the multi-faced role of BBXs, with a focus in photomorphogenesis, photoperiodic flowering, shade avoidance, abiotic stress, and phytohormone-mediated growth and development in plant.
WXRedian | Ad植物微生物 | 南京农业大学“省杰青”团队博士生第一 …
2024年11月16日 · 最新研究表明,在遮荫条件下,转录因子B-BOX DOMAIN PROTEIN 7 (BBX7)和BBX8,以及昼夜节律相关基因CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1)和LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY),共同正面调控PIF4的表达及其蛋白质水平的增长,以此增强植物对遮荫环境的适应能力。 遮荫信号通过影响phyB与BBX7或BBX8之间的互动,促进了BBX7和BBX8蛋白质的积累。 这些蛋白质能够绑定到昼夜节律调节基因CCA1和LHY的启动子区域, …
The B-box bridge between light and hormones in plants
2019年2月1日 · BBX proteins regulate photomorphogenesis, shade avoidance, flowering in plants by integrating light and hormonal pathways. Plant development is meticulously modulated by interactions between the surrounding environment and the endogenous phytohormones.