Double parking - Wikipedia
Double parking refers to parking parallel to a car already parked at the curb or double parking in attended car parks and garages.
在美国的交规中有双重泊车是指什么 - 百度知道
2016年12月27日 · 双重泊车(Double Parking)指的是在一车道中前后并列停车,使得后面的车辆无法顺利通过或者不得不绕道行驶,例如在繁忙的市区街道上。 这种行为通常是不被接受 …
What Is Double Parking? - The Law Dictionary
2024年11月19日 · Double parking is when one driver of a vehicle parks directly behind or next to another vehicle that is parallel parked, making it difficult to remove his car from the street. …
What Is Double Parking? How To Avoid? - Parking Logic
2022年10月11日 · Double parking is the act of leaving your vehicle next to a line of parked vehicles. It’s “double” parking in the sense that there are two cars between the kerb and the …
What is Double Parking? - Propark Mobility
2020年12月11日 · What is Double Parking? By definition, double parking is illegally parking your car next to another correctly parked car within a stall or in the street. Doing so can waste …
请问double parking翻译成中文是什么意思? - 百度知道
2008年12月19日 · 请问double parking翻译成中文是什么意思? 尽可能地翻译吧:(来自英汉字典)双行停(车)(指把车停在与人行道平行停靠的另一辆车旁,常常属于违章停车)
What Is Double Parking? | Is It Illegal? - TrySmartly
2024年1月31日 · The answer is generally straightforward: Yes, in most jurisdictions, double parking is illegal. But, the details, including the nature of the laws, enforcement practices, and …
What Is Double Parking? - Legal Beagle
2020年2月27日 · Instead, double parking is when a driver illegally parks next to another car that is properly parked on the street or in a parking stall. This type of parking prevents the driver who …
double parking是什么意思?是“并行停车”吗?
double parking是什么意思? 是“并行停车”吗? 并行停车 指将汽车停于另一停靠人行道边的车辆旁。 资深译员姚坚,毕业于一所培养高级翻译以及跨文化事务专家的精英大学,专注翻译各种 …
Double parking refers to stopping or parking a vehicle beside another parked car, thereby hindering the first vehicle’s ability to leave its parking space or limiting access to the road. …
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