B. Shyam Sunder - Wikipedia
B. Shyam Sunder (21 December 1908 – 19 May 1975) was a political thinker, jurist, prolific writer, parliamentarian and a revolutionary leader. [1] He was born in Aurangabad district in Bombay Presidency, British India. In 1915, he moved to Hyderabad with his father, B. Manicham, who was a railway employee. [2]
巴拉苏布拉马尼安·希亚姆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴拉苏布拉马尼安·希亚姆 (英語: Balasubramanian Shyam,1973年4月27日 —),簡稱 B·希亚姆 (B Shyam)印度外交官,曾任印度驻冰岛大使、印度驻日本大阪-神户总领事等職務。 …
About: B. Shyam Sunder - DBpedia Association
In 1937, he founded the Dalit-Muslim unity movement at Parbhani in Aurangabad, Maharashtra and urged his people to join hands with Muslims. He was a legislator representing Andhra Pradesh and Mysore State. B. Shyam Sunder (21 December 1908 – 19 May 1975) was born in Aurangabad district in Bombay Presidency, British India.
巴拉蘇布拉馬尼安·希亞姆 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
巴拉蘇布拉馬尼安·希亞姆(英語: Balasubramanian Shyam ,1973年4月27日 — ),簡稱B·希亞姆( B Shyam )印度外交官,曾任印度駐冰島大使、印度駐日本大阪-神戶總領事等職務。
Amrit Ukey: B Shyamsundar(1908- 1975)
B. Shyam Sunder founder of Bheem Sena was born on 21st dec. 1908 in an untouchable community in Jalna, dist. Aurangabad Ms. His father was B. Manikyam. Shyamsunder obtained his degree in political science and economics and Law from Osmnia University. As a student leader he was elected as a Senate member to Osmania University.
B.Shyam Sunder-Biography Synopsis and Books | PDF - Scribd
B. Shyam Sunder was born in 1908 in Aurangabad, India. He received degrees in political science, economics, and law. Throughout his career, he advocated for the rights of depressed castes and minorities. He was elected to legislative assemblies in Hyderabad and Mysore.
They Burn : The 160,000,000 Untouchables of India - Google Books
B. Shyam Sunder. Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 1987 - Dalits - 114 pages. From inside the book . Contents. INTRODUCTION . 1: PREFACE . 23: THE TEXT OF THE INTERVIEW . 41: 3 other sections not shown. Other editions - View all. They Burn: The 160,000,000 Untouchables of India B. Shyam Sunder Snippet view - 1987.
B. Shyam Sunder - Wikiwand
B. Shyam Sunder (21 December 1908 – 19 May 1975) was born in Aurangabad district in Bombay Presidency, British India. His father was B. Manicham, was a railway employee, his mother was Sudha Bai and he has an younger sister, Manik Bai. He was a political thinker, jurist, prolific writer, parliamentarian and a revolutionary leader. [1]
Dr. Shyam.B - Google Scholar
2017 International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and …
巴拉苏布拉马尼安·希亚姆 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴拉苏布拉马尼安·希亚姆 (英语: Balasubramanian Shyam,1973年4月27日 —),简称 B·希亚姆 (B Shyam)印度外交官,曾任印度驻冰岛大使、印度驻日本大阪-神户总领事等职务。 巴拉苏布拉马尼安·希亚姆生于1973年4月27日。 [1] 他拥有分子生物学与生物技术硕士学位,并作为科学家在 印度农业研究理事会 从事芥菜、大米和芭蕉抗病转基因技术研究工作。 [2] 2000年,希亚姆加入 印度外事服务部。 [1] 他最初被派驻 埃及 开罗,担任三等秘书语言受训生,在 开罗美国 …