North American B-25 Mitchell - Wikipedia
The North American B-25 Mitchell is an American medium bomber that was introduced in 1941 and named in honor of Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell, a pioneer of U.S. military aviation. [2] .
B-25轰炸机 - 百度百科
B-25轰炸机(英文:B-25 Bomber,绰号:Mitchell,译文:米切尔),是美国一型螺旋桨中型轰炸机。B-25轰炸机为平直翼双发布局,具有极佳的全面性能表现,尤其是良好的操控性,是第二次世界大战全球战场中最为优秀的中轻型轰炸机之一。
B-25D-NC - B-25 History
B-25D-NC History. By 1939, the government knew that soon the United States would be going to war. Preparations began, and locations for new plants to build war machines were scouted. The Inglewood, California plant was near the coast. This makes it an easy target for foreign attack.
B-25米切尔型轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-25米切尔型轰炸机 (英语:North American B-25 Mitchell) 是 北美航空公司 于1938年设计的一种上单翼、双垂尾、双发中型轰炸机。 B-25最初设计代号是 NA-40-1,是北美飞机公司自主研发的三人座双引擎轻轰炸机,选用的引擎是普惠R-1830-S6C3-G气冷引擎(输出功率1,100匹马力);NA-40的设计源自于NA-39(XB-21),为北美公司在1936年接受陆军航空队委托与 B-18轰炸机 等一同竞标,最后未能获得采用的中型轰炸机。
B-25“米切尔”传奇(三)——汤斯维尔扫射机 - 腾讯网
2020年1月11日 · B-25D实际上就是北美堪萨斯州堪萨斯城工厂生产的B-25C。 1940年美国军事决策者认识到欧洲战事将导致美制军用飞机需求量大幅增加,现有生产设施将无法满足产量要求。 因此美国政府批准建设一系列全新飞机工厂,这些工厂主要坐落在中西部地区以避免被德国或日本飞机轰炸。 美国政府保留工厂所有权,并根据军事合同需要租给私人飞机制造商。 北美堪萨斯城工厂. 堪萨斯州的堪萨斯城工厂就是其中之一,该工厂于1940年12月开始兴建,原本被用于北美 …
航空图鉴——北美 B-25 米切尔 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月24日 · b-25b成为pbj-1,而b-25c和b-25d分别成为pbj-1c和pbj-1d。 这些用于反潜巡逻任务。 海军版本配备了雷达并携带深水炸弹作为其常规进攻武器来代替炸弹。
B-25 Mitchell Medium Bomber | World War II Database - WW2DB
Headed by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle, 16 lightly armed B-25 Mitchell bombers took off at the dawn of 18 Apr 1942 and bombed Tokyo and other cities. Actual damage inflicted was minimal, and 15 out of the 16 were destroyed in crash-landings in China after the mission, but the boost of American morale was significant.
North American Aviation B-25 Mitchell - Warbird Registry
The North American B-25 Mitchell was an American twin-engined medium bomber manufactured by North American Aviation. It was used by many Allied air forces, in every theater of World War II, as well as many other air forces after the war ended, and saw service across four decades.
B-25D - IL-2 Sturmovik: Great Battles
The B-25D was a twin-engine, all-metal monoplane without external support struts. It had a crew of five: two pilots, a bombardier, a navigator, and a gunner/radioman. The forward section of the fuselage housed the bombardier's compartment and forward-firing armament, with the pilot's compartment behind and above.
B-25/PBJ“米切尔”型轰炸机-美国B-25/PBJ“米切尔”型轰炸机图片性 …
B-25轰炸机(英文:B-25 Mitchell),是美国研制的”米切尔“型轰炸机,是第二次世界大战全球战场中最为优秀的中轻型轰炸机之一。 该机以“米切尔”命名,以纪念一战中美国指挥官威廉·米切尔(William Mitchell),B-25轰炸机也是美国空军为数不多的以人名命名的 ...