B-1 Drops JASSM from External Pylon, Expanding Bomber …
2020年12月9日 · The test paves the way for the B-1 to carry many such weapons on external hardpoints, potentially expanding its capacity and ability to launch new munitions like hypersonic missiles. The test was carried out by a B-1B with the 412th Test Wing at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and the pylon used is usually occupied by a Sniper targeting pod.
AGM-158 JASSM - Wikipedia
A JASSM detonates above a hardened target during tests. The AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (AGM-158 JASSM) is a low detection standoff air-launched cruise missile developed by Lockheed Martin for the United States Armed Forces. [7] It is a large, stealthy long-range weapon with a 1,000-pound (450 kg) armor piercing warhead.
B-1 Lancer Bomber Flies With JASSM Stealthy Missile During …
2020年11月25日 · The aircraft conducted a captive carry flight to demonstrate its external weapons capabilities with a Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) in the skies over Edwards.
B-1B Fires JASSM Missile During Long-Range Training Sortie From …
2023年6月9日 · The Bones in question flew all the way to the Persian Gulf, and fired some very high-end weapons along the way — including AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles …
In First, Air Force Flies B-1 Bomber with Externally Mounted …
2020年11月24日 · In the demonstration, carried out by Air Force Materiel Command and Boeing Co., the B-1 carried an inert AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile, known as JASSM, on an external pylon.
B-1 Bomber Video: Watch B-1B Lancer Cruise Missile Test Footage
2020年11月27日 · The AGM-158 JASSM air-to-ground cruise missile is one key weapon system of the new big-war pivot. Stealthy, precision-guided, and smart, the JASSM is able to penetrate modern air defenses and...
如何评价JASSM导弹? - 知乎
JASSM-ER(AGM158B)重量2000磅左右,战斗部450kg,采用改进型红外导引头、双向数据链、增强型抗干扰 GPS 接收机、新型低油耗率涡扇发动机,射程提高到 926 km。
LRASM反舰导弹发展综述 - 知乎
与法国、德国等欧洲国家的隐身巡航导弹不同, JASSM 不是在原有机载布撒器武器系统基础上进行研制的, 而是采用了最新的导弹外形隐身设计 技术、吸波材料与结构技术、动力系统红外抑制技术等, 特别是其无平尾式气动布局, 使导弹兼具高隐身、高机动等优良特性, 这些特点从其公布的飞行试验录像中可以得到印证。 JASSM 采用下单翼无平尾布局。 JASSM 头部为类橄榄形, 中段为“倒船”形截面弹体, 尾部向内收缩成近似多棱锥柱形。 发动机进气口位于弹体腹部, …
B-1 Lancer Bomber Successfully Launched An Inert JASSM …
2020年12月10日 · The JASSM cruise missile employs precision routing and guidance in adverse weather, day or night, using an infrared seeker in addition to the anti-jam GPS to find and destroy high-value, well ...
联合防区外空对地导弹(AGM-158 JASSM) - 知乎专栏