INDICATIONS: Useful as stimulating and invigorating in the recovery of tired or overexploited studs, as it has the property of increasing oxygenation and blood circulation, the effect of vitamin B15 (pangamate sodium) and arginine increases sperm production.
TOP B15+3 30ml - CobyFarm
TOP B15+3 is an energetic solution with an immediate action. It is an oxygenator and vasodilator which empowers the animal’s performance within competitions. It offers excellent results when it is applied in convalescent animals or those animals that are being recovered from a …
TOP B 15+3 – Tornel – 30ml | Horse & Camel Supplies
Vitamin B15 (sodium pangamate) stimulates circulation and oxygenation, therefore TOP B15 + 3 makes the animals render their maximum power. Distributed for Mexico. Energetic-oxygenator-vasodilator of immediate action that enhances the performance of the animal in the competition. Contains: Sodium Pangamate, L-Arginine, Carnitine and ATP.
TOP B15+3 - tornel.com
Top B15+3®, es una solución vigorizante y coadyuvante recomendada para el restablecimiento de los animales convalecientes que hayan pasado por una intervención quirúrgica, proceso infeccioso o proceso de desnutrición, además de ser recomendado en animales que han sido sometidos a periodos de trabajos forzados, útil en la recuperación en semental...
Top B15+3 30ml - Tacoma Vet Meds
Top B15+3 30ml is a premium veterinary supplement designed to enhance endurance, boost energy levels, and support optimal oxygen utilization in performance animals. This scientifically formulated solution contains Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid) and three essential cofactors to improve stamina, reduce fatigue, and accelerate post-exercise recovery.
TOP B15+3 30ml | Abbey Veterinary Supply
Vitamin B15 (sodium pangamate) stimulates circulation and oxygenation, therefore TOP B15 + 3 makes the animals render their maximum power. Energetic oxygenator-vasodilator of immediate action that enhances the performance of the animal in the competition. Contains Sodium Pangamate, L-Arginine, Carnitine and ATP.
上海司乐 B15-3 智能恒温数显定时磁力搅拌器 10L/1500rpm
上海司乐B15-3智能恒温数显定时磁力搅拌器是一款高度智能、多功能的实验室仪器。 它采用直流三相无刷电机驱动,具备温度控制、高精度的定时功能以及双数显功能。 操作方便,能够同时满足搅拌、温度控制和定时的需求。 这款搅拌器适用于各种实验室应用,为科研人员提供了强大的实验支持。 该智能恒温数显定时磁力 搅拌器 采用直流三相无刷电机驱动。 控温采用智能Pid方式自动控温,台面温度、液体温度均可设定、控制、显示。 电子定时,精度高。 定时时间长达9999 …
Tornel Top B15+3 (30ML) – J.E.J Gamefowl Supplies
TOP B 15 + 3 is a vasodilating and oxygenizing agent that potentializes the performance of the animal in the competition. It is an energetic solution that provides immediate effect.
2018年9月10日 · B13-3、B15-3智能恒温数显定时磁力搅拌器的具体使用说明书及注意事项,欢迎阅读。
2023年3月19日 · 简单介绍: B15-3智能恒温磁力搅拌器采用直流三相无刷电机驱动。 控温采用智能Pid方式自动控温,台面温度、液体温度均可设定、控制、显示。 电子定时,精度高。 定时时间长达9999分钟。 该智能恒温磁力搅拌器具有温度、转速、双数显功能。 特点:B15-3智能恒温搅拌器,改变了用电位器调速的老传统,现用旋转的编码器,转速稳定、**、使用更为方便,每转动上等就增加或减少10转/分钟。 控温采用PID控制,解决了以前的过冲过大现象,不论如热容量 …
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