Garmin Airmar B164 (20° Tilt) | Thru-Hull Transducer
The Airmar B164 (20° Tilt) is a bronze thru-hull transducer that serves as an excellent choice for fiberglass and wood hulls.
ASTM B164-2014 - 道客巴巴
2017年10月8日 · 内容提示: Designation: B164 − 03 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specif i cation forNickel-Copper Alloy Rod, Bar, and Wire 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation B164; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in …
B164 Traditional/CW Tilted Element™ Thru-hull - Airmar
Step up to a 1 kW— without a fairing! The 1 kW, flush-mount, Tilted Element ™ transducer is perfect for fast, trailered vessels that cannot accommodate a High-performance Fairing. The flush-mounted, bronze housing extends less than 6.35 mm (1/4") below the hull, so it can sit on trailer rollers and bunks.
Everything You need to Know about ASTM B164 - AEETHER
ASTM B164 is a very commonly used nickel alloy standard. It contains two materials, Monel 400 and Monel R-405. Product forms include rod, bar and wire. In this article, we will learn more about the most important parts of ASTM B164. This allows you to refer to when inspecting the goods.
ASTM B164 Specification - Boltport Fasteners
This specification 2 covers nickel-copper alloys UNS N04400 and N04405* in the form of hot-worked and coldworked rod and bar in the conditions shown in Table 1 and cold-worked wire in the conditions shown in Table 2. The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
2024年9月27日 · 1.1 This specification covers nickel-copper alloys UNS N04400 and N04405 in the form of hot-worked and cold-worked rod and bar in the conditions shown in Table 1 and cold-worked wire in the conditions shown in Table 2. 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.
N04400 - ASTM B164-2003(R2014) - 材数库
• 此牌号N04400与N04405为镍铜合金在商业上被称为蒙乃尔合金(Monel ),是最佳强度、韧性、抗腐蚀性、经济性的综合体。 不能热处理强化,但可通过冷加工改善其强度。 镍铜合金可分为A、B两个等级。 此牌号UNS N04400(Monel 400)为A级,A级适合冷锻。 而N04405(Monel 405)属B级,B级合金制成的紧固件需进行二次机械加工。 A级小尺寸紧固件因经过适当的冷加工,强度会有所提高。 A级和B级的性能没有本质区别。 • 在紧固件的制造应用最广泛的镍铜合 …
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B164; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.
b164是什么材质对应国内什么材质 - 百度知道
Monel400合金(UNS N04400,2.4360)是一种单相固溶体Ni-Cu合金,是以镍为主的合金,可以耐受各种腐蚀环境,延展性较好。 它在很多介质环境下有良好的耐蚀性能。 从轻微的氧化性介质环境到中性环境,到适宜的还原性环境,都有良好的耐蚀性能。 作为耐蚀材料使用有很长的历史。 Monel400合金还用于海下环境及不能氧化的氯化物溶液。 Monel 400对应牌号: UNS N04400、W.Nr.2.4360、NAS NW400、NCu30、30镍铜合金、alloy400. Monel 400执行标准: ASTM …
Monel 400(ASTM B164)合金的标准规范资料 - 百家号
Monel 400是一种主要由镍和铜组成的合金,以其优异的耐腐蚀性能和机械强度广泛应用于化工、海洋工程和电力等领域。 ASTM B164是针对Monel 400合金的标准规范,详细规定了其化学成分、物理性能、加工要求等。 2. 化学成分. 合金的化学成分直接影响其耐腐蚀性和强度,因此严格遵循上述标准至关重要。 3. 机械性能. 这些性能指标确保Monel 400合金在高温和高压环境中的稳定性和可靠性。 4. 加工标准. 热处理:应在927°C(1700°F)以上进行固溶处理,然后迅速冷却以 …
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