Northrop B-2 Spirit - Wikipedia
The Northrop B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, [3] is an American heavy strategic bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses.
Control Surfaces • B‐2 has 4 pairs of control surfaces on the wing trailing edge. 1) Split drag rudders
B-2幽灵战略轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
关岛 安德森空军基地的一架b2. 2008年2月23日,一架編號89-0127(命名為堪薩斯幽灵號)在美军关岛 安德森空军基地起飞时坠毁,機上兩名飛行員平安獲救 [16] [17] [18] 。調查顯示b-2轟炸機在起飛前,24個感測器之中的三個感測器因水氣受損,測得錯誤的大氣資訊 ...
(PDF) Analysing the “Northrop Grumman B2 spirit ... - ResearchGate
The renowned heavy bomber B2 aircraft has been selected as the prototype for a full aerodynamic profile analysis in a three dimensional specification using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
B-2 Technical Details - Northrop Grumman
Power Plant: Four General Electric F118-GE-100 turbofans, each 17,300 lbs. thrust.
Aircraft Performance Database > B2
Advanced technology bomber development, flying wing almost invisible to radar. USAF planned to acquire 133 aircraft, but massive cost and the end of the cold war reduced the number to 20 (used by the 509th bomb wing in Missouri). Production ended in 1998. A searchable database of aircarft with recognition and performance data.
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - B-2 Spirit
Though originally designed as a nuclear strike platform, the B-2 has also been equipped to carry conventional weapons like JDAM. The B-2 has made extensive use of its new conventional strike role during recent conflicts in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
B-2 Spirit > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Its capability to penetrate air defenses and threaten effective retaliation provides a strong, effective deterrent and combat force well into the 21st century. The revolutionary blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency and large payload gives the B-2 important advantages over existing bombers.
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber, United States of America - Air Force …
2020年4月24日 · It is capable of all-altitude attack missions up to 50,000ft, with a range of more than 6,000nm unrefuelled and over 10,000nm with one refuelling, giving it the ability to fly to any point in the world within hours. Its distinctive profile …
The B-2 is an all wing, high subsonic aircraft which utilizes three sets of elevons for combined pitch and roll control, a centerline gust load alleviation surface (GLAS) for pitch control, and upper and lower split drag rudders for yaw control.