B28 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bombers, attack aircraft and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, American B28s also equipped six Europe-based Canadian CF-104 squadrons known as the RCAF Nuclear Strike Force.
B28 / Mk.28 / W28 - GlobalSecurity.org
This tactical and strategic thermonuclear bomb had the longest US service duration (33 years) and 2nd largest production run of any U.S. weapon design (4500 produced -- all models); 20 models and...
B28氫彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B28氫彈 是美國 戰鬥轟炸機 和 轟炸機 所攜帶的一種 核子彈, 英國皇家空軍 维克斯勇士轟炸機 和 堪培拉轟炸機 (English Electric Canberra)也曾使用 [1]。
B28氫彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
B28氫彈 是美國 戰鬥轟炸機 和 轟炸機 所攜帶的一種 核子彈, 英國皇家空軍 維克斯勇士轟炸機 和 坎培拉轟炸機 (English Electric Canberra)也曾使用 [1]。
B28 nuclear bomb | Military Wiki | Fandom
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bombers and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, American B28s also equipped six Europe-based Canadian CF-104 squadrons known as the RCAF Nuclear Strike Force.
B28 Thermonuclear Bomb | This Day in Aviation
2025年1月21日 · Three airmen position a B28Y1 thermonuclear bomb for loading aboard a B-52 Stratofortress. (TSgt. Boyd Belcher, U.S. Air Force) The Mark 28 was a two-stage radiation-implosion thermonuclear bomb which was designed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory and produced from January 1958 to May 1966. In 1968, it was redesignated B28.
B28核炸弹是美国50年代初发展的战略、战术两用氢弹,装备美国战略、战术攻击飞机。 1955年开始研制,1958年开始服役,1970年停产。 80年代中期开始被新型核炸弹B61所取代。 该弹共生产1200颗,美国空军库存1000颗。
B28 nuclear bomb explained
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bomber s, attack aircraft and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, American B28s also equipped six Europe-based Canadian CF-104 squadrons known as the RCAF Nuclear Strike Force.
B28 (nuclear weapon) - Citizendium
A thermonuclear bomb that had one of the longest service lives, 33 years (1958-1991), in the U.S. inventory, 4,500 of the B28 were built in 20 variants. Weighing approximately 1 ton, its yield ranged from from 70 Kt to 1.45 Mt.
B28 nuclear bomb - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月4日 · The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bombers, attack aircraft and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, American B28s also equipped six Europebased Canadian CF104 squadrons known as the RCAF Nuclear Stri