B28 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bombers, attack aircraft and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons …
1966 Palomares incident - Wikipedia
The casings of two B28 nuclear bombs involved in the Palomares incident are on display at the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History in Albuquerque, New Mexico. While serving on …
B28氢弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2022年11月1日 · B28氢弹 是美国 战斗轰炸机 和 轰炸机 所携带的一种 核子弹, 英国皇家空军 维克斯勇士轰炸机 和 堪培拉轰炸机 (English Electric Canberra)也曾使用 [1]。
B28 / Mk.28 / W28 - GlobalSecurity.org
On 21 January 1968, a SAC B-52G crippled by fire and carrying four B28 thermonuclear weapons flew over Thule Air Base at low altitude, permitting six occupants to bail out.
B28 nuclear bomb | Military Wiki | Fandom
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bombers and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons sharing program, …
B28 Thermonuclear Bomb | This Day in Aviation
2025年1月21日 · The bomber, call sign “Tea 16,” was armed with four Mark 28 nuclear bombs carried in its bomb bay. At approximately 10:30 a.m., the two B-52s rendezvoused with two …
Mark 28 Thermonuclear Bomb - National Museum of the USAF
Used by various fighter and bomber aircraft (F-100, F-104, F-105, B-47, B-52, B-66 and others), these weapons also armed Hound Dog and Mace missiles. The artifacts on exhibit are BDU …
B28核炸弹是美国50年代初发展的战略、战术两用氢弹,装备美国战略、战术攻击飞机。 1955年开始研制,1958年开始服役,1970年停产。
B28 nuclear bomb explained
The B28, originally Mark 28, was a thermonuclear bomb carried by U.S. tactical fighter bomber s, attack aircraft and bomber aircraft. From 1962 to 1972 under the NATO nuclear weapons …
B28核炸弹_科普中国网 - kepuchina.cn
2016年12月28日 · B28核炸弹是美国50年代初发展的战略、战术两用氢弹,装备美国战略、战术攻击飞机。 1955年开始研制,1958年开始服役,1970年停产。 80年代中期开始被新型核炸 …