Northrop B-2 Spirit - Wikipedia
The Northrop B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, [3] is an American heavy strategic bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses.
B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber - Northrop Grumman
For three decades, the B-2 Spirit, built by Northrop Grumman, has been the backbone of stealth technology for the U.S. Air Force and has been commemorated in the Pioneers of Stealth Memorial at the National Museum of the United States Air Force Memorial Park, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
B-2 Spirit > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
Its capability to penetrate air defenses and threaten effective retaliation provides a strong, effective deterrent and combat force well into the 21st century. The revolutionary blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency and large payload gives the B-2 important advantages over existing bombers.
B-2幽灵战略轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B-2“幽靈” (英語: Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit)是一款 匿蹤 戰略轟炸機。 諾斯洛普 / 波音 團隊於1981年10月20日打敗 洛克希德 / 洛克威爾,贏得先进技术轰炸机計劃(The Advanced Technology Bomber, ATB),在 麻省理工學院 科學家協助之下為 美國空軍 研製生產 [1][2][3]。 1997年,首批六架B-2轟炸機正式服役,而至今一共只生產21架。 在 F-117A夜鷹攻擊機 退役, F-35閃電II式戰鬥機 尚未服役之時,B-2與 F-22猛禽式戰鬥機 為當時世界上僅有可以進行對地攻 …
Northrop B-2 Spirit - National Museum of the USAF
To overcome this threat, the USAF incorporated the revolutionary low-observable, or "stealth," technology into a long-range bomber capable of delivering large payloads of conventional or nuclear weapons.
B-2 Spirit - Air Force Global Strike Command AFSTRAT-AIR
The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions; bringing massive firepower to bear, in a short time, anywhere on the globe through previously impenetrable defenses.
Northrop B-2A Spirit
Viewed from directly above or below, the B-2 resembles nothing more than an oversized boomerang. It has twelve ruler-straight lines. The wing leading edges run straight from the extreme nose to the extreme tips of the wing. The centerbody is thicker than the rest of the wing, and contains the cockpit, the weapons bays, and the electronics.
B-2“幽灵”战略轰炸机 (B-2 Spirit)_中国网 - China
B-2隐形战略轰炸机是冷战时期的产物,由美国诺思罗普公司为美国空军研制。 1979年,美国空军根据战略上的考虑,要求研制一种高空突防隐形战略轰炸机来对付苏联90年代可能部署的防空系统。 1981年开始制造原型机,1989年原型机试飞。 后来对计划作了修改,使B-2轰炸机兼有高低空突防能力,能执行核及常规轰炸的双重任务。 目前,B-2战略轰炸机只有一种型号,总共生产21架。 [详细] B-2隐身轰炸机的研制工作开始于1978年,1989年确定的采购计划包括1架原型 …
B-2 Spirit Stealth bomber - DVIDS
2020年3月13日 · The B-2 Spirit is a multi-role bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. A dramatic leap forward in technology, the bomber represents a major milestone in the U.S....
Aircraft - Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit - MILAVIA
2004年5月14日 · The B-2A Spirit is a stealth strategic bomber for the US Air Force. The B-2 design is a flying wing with straight leading-edges and a sawtooth trailing edge. Its centrebody …