GCMD与赫伯罗特完成4500吨的B30生物燃料试验_信德海事网-专 …
2024年7月19日 · 此次混合燃料中所使用的生物燃油成分已通过ISCC标准认证。 生物燃油成分包含由食物垃圾生产的纯脂肪酸甲酯 (FAME)。 与B30生物燃料共同混合的还有示踪剂,示踪剂由认证机构Authentix提供,先加入FAME生物燃油中,随后运输到鹿特丹港与VLSFO混兑,制成B30生物混合燃料。 与之前的试验类似,GCMD聘请了燃油检验公司Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) 来见证所有阶段的操作——从生物燃料货物转运到加注。 VPS还在供应链的各预定点收集了生 …
GCMD Successfully Concludes Biofuels Supply Chain Trials
2024年7月18日 · In this final trial, bp provided the B30 biofuel blend to the TIHAMA, a 19,870 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container vessel operated by Hapag-Lloyd. The biofuel component used is certified to the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) standard – a multistakeholder certification scheme for biobased materials.
ExxonMobil signs agreement for B30 marine biofuel oil in the …
Agreement strengthens biofuel offer in key global port locations following successful bio-bunkers in Singapore in 2022. London, 25 May 2023 – ExxonMobil has signed an agreement to supply Hapag-Lloyd with B30 marine bio fuel oil in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) region.
陽明海運積極拓展綠色服務 為首家於釜山港加注B30生質低硫燃油 …
2024年12月11日 · 現代煉油在韓國政府示範計畫下,首次向外籍航運公司供應B30 VLSFO生質燃油,所添加之B30 VLSFO永續燃料通過國際永續發展與碳驗證ISCC(International Sustainability & Carbon Certification)製程認證,由30%的回收食用油(UCOME)與約70%的超低硫燃油(VLSFO)混合而成,可顯著 ...
GCMD concludes biofuels supply chain trials - GCMD
2024年7月18日 · In this final trial, bp provided the B30 biofuel blend to the TIHAMA, a 19,870 twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container vessel operated by Hapag-Lloyd. The biofuel component used is certified to the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) standard – a multistakeholder certification scheme for biobased materials.
GCMD and Hapag-Lloyd Complete Biofuel Trial - MarineLink
2024年7月18日 · In this final trial, bp provided the B30 biofuel blend to the TIHAMA, a 19,870 TEU container vessel operated by Hapag-Lloyd. The biofuel component used is certified to the International...
嘉吉(Cargill)为其散货船加注510吨B30生物燃油_信德海事网-专 …
2024年5月6日 · 4月29日,全球十大船用燃料公司之一Monjasa宣布在秘鲁卡亚俄港为嘉吉(Cargill)运营的干散货船Infinity Sky轮供应了总计510吨B30船用生物燃料。 此次生物燃油的加注在2024 年2 月22日进行,
The second-generation fatty acid oil (FAME) B20 and B30 biofuel blends are derived from waste oil feedstock and provide vessel owners and charterers with a sustainably-sourced, lower-carbon alternative to the current industry standard marine fuels.
Peninsula facilitates B30 marine biofuel supply deal in Zeebrugge, …
2024年4月23日 · B30 marine biofuel, a blend comprising 30 percent ISCC EU-certified sustainable used cooking oil methyl ester (biodiesel), offers a promising avenue reducing GHG emissions by 84 percent, thus mitigating the environmental impact of maritime operations.
FuelEU Maritime:用一半的生物燃料就好!
使用生物混合物 b30(30%生物柴油 + 70%化石柴油) ——整个生物柴油部分可以计算在内,以覆盖国际航行期间使用的能源。 使用生物混合物B60(60%生物柴油 + 40%化石柴油) ——部分生物柴油成分可计入国际航行期间使用的能量,最高能量含量符合法规范围。