BMW B48 - Wikipedia
The BMW B48 is a turbocharged inline-four petrol engine which replaced the BMW N20 and has been in production since 2014. It was first used in the F56 Mini Hatch and has been used in BMW applications since 2015.
B48 Engine (330i) Technical Diagrams and Details - BIMMERPOST
2015年6月2日 · Previously turbos were cooled by main electric water pump, but it would have to pump coolant through entire engine. Now new smaller pump only has to pump for turbo, so much less strain on parked car battery. Similar to larger (V8) engines with multiple electric pumps cooling different things each. BMW if you are reading, I need a job, Please.
【原创】解析B48,宝马还有更牛的发动机 - 汽车之家
2017年2月22日 · 一、b48特点. b49的含义. 1、b48发动机在宝马德国官网介绍,排量变为1998,缸径变小,冲(行)程变大,更注重低扭输出。 按说n20最大扭矩输出的转速更低啊!这是相对整个低速区间来说的。 3、高度集成. 这年头,bba竞争激烈,在发动机集成性上,奥迪已经走 …
In-Depth Overview of BMW B48 Engine Specs and Maintenance
2025年2月6日 · The BMW B48 engine is a versatile and efficient inline-four engine that is part of BMW’s modular engine family. It is designed to deliver a balance of performance and fuel efficiency, making it a popular choice for various models in the BMW lineup.
Ultimate BMW B48 Engine Guide
2023年7月3日 · In this ultimate B48 engine guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the 2.0L turbocharged inline-4, including B48 engine specs, popular B48 engine modifications, and B48 reliability. As part of the BMW B-Series engine platform, the B48 is extremely similar in terms of overall construction to the BMW B38, B46, and B58 engines.
宝马B48TU 2.0T发动机技术解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
宝马B系列发动机中包括柴油机和汽油机,其中汽油机的三个产品分别是B58/B48/B38,也就是3.0T直列6缸,2.0T直列4缸,1.5T三缸。 今天要说的就是其中的B48 2.0T四缸发动机: 1、小缸径大升程的设计. B48的气缸直径从上一代N20系列的84mm减小到了82mm,冲程则从89.6mm增加到了94.6mm,小缸径大升程的设计可以获得更好的低速扭矩和更高的发动机效率,但是最高转速会受到一定的限制。 注重低速扭矩和油耗目前增压直喷发动机的设计趋势。 2、燃油喷射系统. …
宝马B系列发动机解析:B48和B58有什么不同? - 懂车帝
2022年10月30日 · 国产宝马X5上的B48发动机是经过调校后的版本,最大马力245Ps,最大扭矩400Nm,匹配采埃孚8AT变速箱,在可靠性和耐用性方面表现出色
BMW B48 Interesting Details and Engine Walkaround - YouTube
2024年11月21日 · A quick video about the BMW B48D that goes into our B46 race cars. https://b46.strommotorsports.com/Covers topics such as intake manifold cooling, direct fue...
Ultimate BMW B48 Engine Guide - THE TRAVELLER HUB
2023年7月28日 · In this ultimate B48 engine guide, we’ll imbricate everything you need to know well-nigh the 2.0L turbocharged inline-4, including B48 engine specs, popular B48 engine modifications, and B48 reliability.
BMW B48 engine - EngineDNA.com
2024年6月16日 · A new generation four-cylinder gasoline engine from BMW, the B48 was introduced in 2014 as a replacement for the popular N20 motor. The B48 is based on the N20, but has a number of significant differences: this engine features a closed aluminum cylinder block, where a long-stroke crankshaft with a piston stroke of 94.6 mm is mounted on five ...