宝马B48TU 2.0T发动机技术解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
b48发动机最有意思的一点就是把上一代n20的电子水泵重新改回了传统的机械水泵,据说这是由于n系列电子水泵故障率比较高的原因。但是b48引入了热管理模块增加 旋转滑阀式电子节温器 (scv),可以实现快速暖机,并灵活控制水温,从而降低油耗。
BMW B48 Engine Reliability – Common Issues and Price to Fix Them
2023年1月3日 · Another issue that has been reported with the B48 engine is the possibility of a faulty exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve. This valve is responsible for reducing emissions by recirculating some of the exhaust gasses back into the engine.
BMW B48 - Wikipedia
The BMW B48 is a turbocharged inline-four petrol engine which replaced the BMW N20 and has been in production since 2014. It was first used in the F56 Mini Hatch and has been used in BMW applications since 2015.
Common Problems With Bmw B48 Engines – Car Problems A2Z
Addressing a faulty EGR valve in BMW B48 engines is vital to maintaining peak performance and preventing potential issues such as increased gas smell and rough idle. A defective EGR valve can disrupt the engine's ability to regulate air intake properly, leading to symptoms like decreased performance and an inability to pass emissions tests.
【原创】解析B48,宝马还有更牛的发动机 - 汽车之家
2017年2月22日 · 进气部分,B48将涡轮中冷器与进气歧管整合到一起,不仅比分离式N20缩短了涡轮气流的路径,也使到达中冷器的气流温度更低,散热效果更加明显。 排气部分,B48将涡轮和排气管整合在一起,加快了涡轮的响应速度,减少大家常提到的涡轮动力迟滞的现象。 3、分体式变成一体式中杠,开放式水道改为封闭式水道(多为跑车发动机采用),更坚固,能承受更大压力,适应更大功率调校(高功率B48 扭矩可达400牛米)。 4、为加快涡轮散热,B48还为涡轮 …
BMW B48 Engine Problems [Causes And How To Fix It?]
2025年2月22日 · This article will explain BMW B48 Engine Problems. Nearly ten years into the B48 construction cycle, the turbocharged inline-4 has performed as well as many had anticipated. The smaller inline-4 BMW B48 engine and the bigger inline-6 BMW B58 engine are built on the same engine platform, the BMW Modular B-Series engine platform.
【图】B38与B48机头数据实测 新增:B48中功率马力机数据_宝 …
2019年9月1日 · b48是四缸,但是低功率真的是差强人意,但底子确实是好底子,上限可以到很高,只因为为了卖高功率车型,拉低了动力下限。 自己儿时的梦想是一台直六宝马,直到现在都在为了它,努力!
7 Common BMW B48 Engine Problems - Daily Car Tips
2024年11月24日 · If you're worried about your BMW B48 engine's reliability, you're not alone. This turbocharged powerhouse has its set of challenges, like oil filter housing issues and coolant loss. Understanding these common problems can help you
解析宝马B48 2.0T发动机是否适合刷ECU升级!内附320马力曲线 …
B48 2.0T性能优化数据由艾森与国外技术中心协作开发,目标打造一款安全、稳定、强劲、最适合中国环境的宝马B48系列程序。 研发期间经过20多次数据修正、反复测试,通过权威的Dynapack马力测功机测得:最大马力提升空间为95HP;最大扭矩值提升空间为130NM,经过为期一周的路试记录与分析,最终确定提升空间:76HP/100NM。 本款宝马320Li搭载的是B48B20C发动机,这是一具2.0四缸直喷 涡轮增压发动机,最大马力输出为184HP/5000-6500prm,最大 …
宝马新b48发动机的排放让我彻底迷惑了 - 汽车之家
2020年3月10日 · b48发动机,国六排放,查看了车辆合格证和对比视频(哔哩哔哩里关于宝马新机油的介绍视频)里的位置之后发现疑似车辆不带gpf。 由此产生了2个问题。
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