B-65 Shortsword - Vehicle - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The B-65 Suborbital Long-Range Bomber, [1] commonly known as the Shortsword, is an atmospheric strategic bomber produced by Misriah Armory. It is fielded by UNSC Air Force reserve units and was formerly operated by the Navy. [4] [5] [2]
B-65 Suborbital Long-Range Bomber | Halo Alpha | Fandom
Professor Anders uses it to drop a Cryo Bomb, a simple point-and-click power. Sergeant Forge uses it to perform Carpet Bombing runs, where the beginning of the bombing run must be selected.
【HALO载具频道】B-65短剑号轰炸机 —— 拨云见日 - 哔哩哔哩
B-65 Suborbital Long-Range Bomber / B-65亚轨道远程轰炸机,俗称 Shortsword / 短剑号。 是米斯利亚军械库生产的一种战略轰炸机,在UNSC空军后备部队服役,曾由海军使用。 尊容. 概述. 虽说与GA-TL1长剑号轰炸机的研发路线相同,但短剑号轰炸机有更为具体的研发目的:通过精确轰炸来提供地面支援和空中截击。 设计细节. 和长剑号一样,短剑号也有中等尺寸的机身设计,用于在大气层中爬升的宽阔后掠翼,以及非常重量级的武器配置。 不过短剑号的机身棱角较小, …
我才不是B2----B65短剑轰炸机 - 哔哩哔哩
B-65亚轨道远程轰炸机(B-65 Suborbital Long-Range Bomber),俗称短剑 (Shortsword)、是由Misriah军工厂生产的一种大气内战略轰炸机。 这种轰炸军原来由海军使用,而现在则由空军预备队使用。 生产信息. 制造商:米斯怀亚军工厂. 技术规格. 长度:27.3米 (90英尺) 宽度:35.3米 (116英尺) 高度:8.59米 (28.2英尺) (起落架放下);5.73米 (18.8英尺) (起落架收起) 质量:91.2公吨. 武器:M955 ASW/AC 30mm MLA. Mark 208地毯式轰炸炸弹. GBU-1105冷冻炸弹. XGBU …
Why did the UNSC Navy purchase the B65? : r/HaloStory - Reddit
2022年9月16日 · The question suddenly came to mind as to why the UNSC Navy had procured the B65 for large scale ground support missions, as seen in HW2, where the orbiting ships could easily and accurately target any target on the ground. The UNSC Navy did later transfer these assets to the UNSC Air Force, which was short of spacecraft.
B-65 Suborbital Long-Range Bomber | Halo University Wiki
Halo Combat Evolved Trial Advertisment; Original Old Halo trailer 1999 BEFORE Microsoft bought bungie; Halo E3 2000 Trailer Full Trailer; Original Old Halo trailer 1999 BEFORE Microsoft bought bungie-0; Halo E3 2000 Trailer Full Trailer-0; Halo E3 2000 Trailer Full Trailer-1; Halo E3 2000 Trailer Full Trailer-2
B65型大型巡洋舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
B65型大型巡洋舰 (超甲巡)是日本帝國海軍原本規劃在 第五次海軍軍備補充計劃 (日语:マル5計画) 建造的 战列巡洋舰,最後計劃廢案,未建造。 B65型是以戰力可超越甲型巡洋艦 (重巡)之大型巡洋艦為設計目標,故也被稱為"超甲巡" 在日本海军的决战计划中,在主力舰队间的舰队决战前夜,将由重巡洋舰战队和水雷战队组成的4个袭击群作为夜战部队对敌主力舰队进行夜间雷击战。 但是作为总计80艘以上的大舰队的指挥舰, 高雄级重巡洋舰 在司令部人员的安置和通信能 …
halo设定 -哔哩哔哩专栏
【HALO光环设定】大号机甲----赫仑汀世界树Mark II [D]装甲防御系统 2021-2-18
B65超甲型巡洋舰 - 碧蓝航线WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
B-65超甲型巡洋舰在外形 模仿大和级战列舰,采用平甲板的船体,采用球状舰首,酷似大和型的塔型舰桥。 但与同期日本的重巡洋舰的设计相同,都是舰首的干舷较高,甲板防御比较好。 在舰首甲板上安装三联装炮塔,前置1号及2号主炮塔。 与阿拉加斯级的9门Mk.8 305mm主炮相比,超甲型巡洋舰装备1940年定型的9门 310mm L/50主炮(试制乙炮),发射561kg的穿甲弹时射程达36,000码。 日本海军特地将B-65案的三联装310mm炮塔重量设计和长门级战列舰的双 …
B-65S Shadowsword | Halo Fanon | Fandom
Shadowswords are often used in suppression of enemy air defences, in support of special operations or for first strikes against targets. The B-65S is an intelligently designed bomber aircraft, focusing on being able to go between tactical and strategic missions, including high altitude missions and close range, low support bombing missions.