Brockway Motor Company - Wikipedia
During World War II, Brockway manufactured the B666 heavy truck, including the B666 Daybrook M-II-A bridge erector [2] and C666 Quick Way crane, [3] as well as G547 and G690 6-ton 6×6 …
1943 Brockway B666 6x6 Bridge Erector - RM Sotheby's
The Brockway B666, 6-ton, 6x6 truck was preceded in production by nearly identical models produced by Corbitt and White beginning in 1941. All three manufacturers built their models to …
6-ton 6×6 truck - Wikipedia
The 6-ton 6×6 truck (supply catalog designations G512, 514, 526, and 547) was a family of heavy tactical trucks built for the United States Army during World War II. It was designated a “6-ton” …
BROCKWAY B666 TRUCK – Tucson Military Vehicle Museum
The Brockway B666 featured an all-steel body which carried bridging components including pontoons and steel tread plates. The bridging components were lifted and placed by a 4-ton …
Oldtimer gallery. Trucks. Brockway 666.
Brockway B666 and C666 (coproduced by White, Corbitt, FWD and Ward La France) Years of production: 1942 - 1945 6x6 6-ton truck with metal or wooden body, with hard- or soft-top cab, …
White (Motor Company) 666, 6-ton, 6x6 bridge erection truck
2012年2月13日 · White designated the truck as model 666 (6-ton, 6 wheels and 6 wheel drive). In 1942 Brockway also began producing the identical truck which they designated B-666. In …
BROCKWAY Truck Manual PDF - manualsfortrucks
During World War II, Brockway produced the B666 Heavy Truck, including the B666 Daybrook M-II-A Bridge Carrier and the C666 Quick Way Crane, as well as the G547 and G690 6×6 6-Ton …
6ton6x6: Belgian Brockways
Thank for Bruno Cauwe, we can enjoy many nice photograps about B666 bridge trucks of the Belgian Army. How I wrote before, Bruno is one of the last belgian Brockway drivers. You can …
Brockway Truck History part 2, George A. Brockway, Brockway …
With the sudden outbreak of War, Brockway converted its plant over to the production of war materiel, specifically the Model B666 (B for Brockway), 6-ton, 6x6 truck chassis, which was …
Other Trucks - wardrawings.be
Brockway 666 est un camion tous terrains qui fut produit par la firme Brockway (et White, Corbitt, FWD et Ward La France) à 21000 unités. Brockway 666 is a cross-country truck which was …