Boeing 717 - Wikipedia
The Boeing 717 is an American five-abreast narrow-body airliner produced by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The twin-engine airliner was developed for the 100-seat market and originally marketed by McDonnell Douglas in the early 1990s as the MD-95 …
波音717 - 百度百科
波音717(英语:Boeing 717)是波音公司最小型的双引擎喷气式客机,前身是美国麦克唐纳 •道格拉斯公司研制的MD-95双发喷气机。1997年8月1日,波音公司收购麦道公司后,于1998年4月8日将MD-95编号改为波音717-200型,使之成为该公司民用飞机家族的成员。
波音717 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
波音717 是 美國 波音公司 生產的雙引擎 窄體 噴射客機,原先由 麥道 研發並名為 MD-95,是 DC-9 系列一款設計給100人座級距市場的後繼型號。 麥道在1995年10月接到來自 瓦盧傑航空 的第一張訂單,但在客機生產前麥道於1997年被併入波音公司,首架客機於1999年10月以波音717為名正式投入服務。 波音717最高載客量為134人,航程達3,820公里(2,060海里),採用兩具 勞斯萊斯BR715 引擎。 波音在2006年5月停止了717的生產,結束了原麥道 長灘 工廠組裝客機的長久歷 …
Boeing 717-200 Specifications - Dimensions - FlyRadius
2014年11月6日 · Boeing 717-200 Specifications and Dimensions Information. Learn About the Boeing 717-200 Dimensions Plus Specifications in Detail. Speed, Height and More.
Boeing 717 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Boeing 717 is a twin-engined short-to-medium-range narrowbody airliner with a capacity of maximum 134 passengers produced by the American manufacturer Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The Boeing 717 is a shortened development of the McDonnell Douglas MD-90.
BOEING 717-200 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
In commercial service since 1999. A modernized combination of the DC-9-30 fuselage with the advanced technologies of the MD-90. Produced until 2006.
波音717简史:由来、特点与停产原因 - 百度贴吧
b717算是波音公司对喷气式支线客机的唯一一次尝试(当然排除如今收购的erj )他的前身是md95,算是md90的衍生机型,主要是针对100座级 苍@ 航校毕业
Boeing 717 - Airliners.net
Other 717-200 features include a fuselage 1.45m (4ft 9in) longer than the DC-9-30's, a wing based on the DC-9-34's, an advanced six LCD screen Honeywell EFIS flightdeck, and a cabin interior similar to that developed for the MD-90. It is offered in standard 717-200BGW (Basic Gross Weight) and extended range 717-200HGW (High Gross Weight) forms.
Boeing 717 Specs and Description - jetav.com
The Boeing 717 is a quieter, more fuel efficient 18th iteration of the McDonnell Douglas DC-9. The Boeing B717 Business Express is derived from the MD-95 developed in 1995 which was acquired by Boeing and re-designated the Boeing B717. It is a twin-engine passenger airliner known for its range as well as its low operating costs.
Boeing 717 Aircraft History and Facts - Aviation Explorer
The Boeing 717 is a twin-engine, single-aisle jet airliner, developed for the 100-seat market. The airliner was designed and marketed by McDonnell Douglas as the MD-95, a third-generation derivative of the DC-9.