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House prices in Friars Walk, Tamworth, B77 2FH - The Move Market
There are 10 properties in B77 2FH. 4 properties have sold over the last 10 years in B77 2FH. The last sale in B77 2FH was for £410,000 in November, 2022. 90% of property sold in this postcode are detached houses. Want to know more about buying or selling property?
House Prices in Blackdown, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 - Rightmove
1997年5月21日 · The average price for a property in Blackdown, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 is £220,000 over the last year. Explore Rightmove house prices to find out how much properties sold for in Blackdown, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77.
Peter James ANDREWS - Companies House
2023年9月6日 · 6 Friars Walk, Tamworth, United Kingdom, B77 2FH. Role Active Director Appointed on 19 April 2013 Nationality ... Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 4HZ. Role Resigned Director Appointed on 7 December 2005 Resigned on 19 January 2006
Local Crime Information for Friars Walk, Tamworth, B77 2FH
View crime information around Friars Walk, Tamworth, B77 2FH, including Anti-social behaviour, Theft, Burglary and Violent Crime in March 2024
Route Planner | Directions, traffic and maps | AA - The AA
Plan your route, avoid traffic, and find nearby parking with AA's Route Planner.
5 Friars Walk, Tamworth B77 2FH | HomeValued
The most recent sale of 5 Friars Walk was in March 2006 for £212,000. The "average sale price nearby" in the infographic is calculated over a minimum of five other properties in B77 2FH and adjacent postcodes sold within three years prior to the most recent other property sale in B77 2FH (updated 12/09/2021).
Postcode: B77 2FT | United Kingdom Postcode - gbr.youbianku.com
This page provides all the information about postcode B77 2FT, including postal information, location information, and other information.
الرمز البريدي B77 2TT - Tamworth، إنجلترا - Cybo
يقع الرمز البريدي B77 2TT في Tamworth. ابحث عن خريطة الحدود، وتعداد السكان، والإحصائيات السكانية، والمعلومات عن التغير المناخي، والمخاطر الطبيعية.
View the estimated house price of 37 BLYTHE STREET, TAMWORTH, STAFFORDSHIRE, B77 2AB - valued at £246,669 and details of the recent neighbourhood anti-social behaviour problem