B77 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B77 was a nuclear bomb designed in 1974 to match the delivery capabilities of the B-1A bomber. This included the ability to be dropped from supersonic speeds at altitudes of 60,000 feet (18,000 m), or in a laydown delivery at high subsonic speeds at …
B77 nuclear bomb - Wikiwand
The B77 was a nuclear bomb designed in 1974 to match the delivery capabilities of the B-1A bomber. This included the ability to be dropped from supersonic speeds at altitudes of 60,000 feet (18,000 m), or in a laydown delivery at high subsonic speeds at …
B83 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B77 was designed with an active altitude control and lifting parachute system for supersonic low-altitude delivery from the B-1A bomber. Likely B77 nuclear component test firings were attributed to the Operation Anvil series in 1975 and 1976, …
三位一體 (核試驗) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1945年8月9日 在长崎投放的 胖子原子弹 采用了同样的內爆式设计,三位一體試驗的當量約為20,000噸 TNT,爆炸高度30.5公尺,爆炸温度7千万K,1,000码内放射性沾染达1,000 伦琴,最佳爆炸高度应为458公尺,弹体重3吨,内径1.4公尺,有效系数5%。 核武器的製作在1930年代完全是超乎原來的政治及科學發展。 有關原子的自然本質的新發現, 美国 联合 英国 、 加拿大 本來就已積極開發 核裂變 能源。 基於歐洲大陸的 法西斯主義 政府的興起,由於擔心 納粹德國 會趕 …
B57 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
The B57 nuclear bomb was a tactical nuclear weapon developed by the United States during the Cold War. Development began at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1960 to meet a requirement for a multi-purpose weapon, suitable for use as a nuclear depth charge or a nuclear bomb against ground targets. [ 1 ]
B77 Strategic Bomb - GlobalSecurity.org
2011年7月24日 · B77 Strategic Bomb. The B83 is derived from the earlier B77, which was terminated due to cost, complexity, and the excessive weight of the bomb delivery system.
The B83's roots are in the B77, a very expensive strategic bomb under development in the 1970s.
B77 nuclear bomb - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
B77 nuclear bomb. The B77 was designed to match the delivery capabilities of the B-1A bomber. It was to replace the Mk 28 and Mk 43 bombs in the strategic bombardment role. The specifications for the B77 required Full Fusing Options (FUFO) and the ability for a low altitude, transonic laydown delivery, as well as a free fall from supersonic ...
B77_nuclear_bomb References - earthspot.org
The B77 was a nuclear bomb designed in 1974 to match the delivery capabilities of the B-1A bomber. This included the ability to be dropped from supersonic speeds at altitudes of 60,000 feet (18,000 m), or in a laydown delivery at high subsonic speeds at …
原子弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
原子弹,又称 裂变弹[1],是利用 铀 、 钚 等可裂变物质的 核裂变 链式反应释放巨大能量而制成的 爆炸裝置,為 核子武器 的其中一種。 原子弹主要由核装药、反射层、引信等部件组成,分为枪式原子弹和收聚式原子弹两种类型,其破坏力主要来源于强烈的光辐射、冲击波、核辐射等效应。 原子弹的研发始于20世纪30年代后期,于二战期间由 美国 通过 曼哈顿工程 率先研制成功,并于1945年8月在 广岛 和 长崎 投下两枚原子弹。 随后 苏联 等国相继试爆自制的原子弹。 时至今 …