General Electric GE90 - Wikipedia
The General Electric GE90 is a family of high-bypass turbofan aircraft engines built by GE Aerospace for the Boeing 777, with thrust ratings from 81,000 to 115,000 pounds-force (360 to 510 kilonewtons).
通用电气GE90 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
GE90首次发表于1995年11月,搭载于 英国航空 所新订购的 波音777 飞机。 GE90目前仅有波音777使用,在777-200、-200ER及-300是选配引擎之一(其他的选项还包括 劳斯莱斯 的 Trent 800 或 普惠 的 PW4000,而实际上并没有航空公司订购使用GE90发动机的777-300),但 …
GE90 Engine | GE Aerospace
Powering the twin-engine Boeing 777 aircraft, the GE90 engine combined record thrust and high reliability with lower noise, emissions, and fuel consumption to become an iconic jet engine recognized worldwide for its size and innovations. GE Aerospace has continued to invest and improve the engine.
GE90首次发表于1995年11月,搭载于 英国航空 所新订购的 波音777 飞机。 GE90仅有波音777使用,在777-200、-200ER及-300是选配引擎之一(另可选用 罗尔斯·罗伊斯 的Trent800或 普惠 的 PW4000),但在777-200LR及-300ER则是唯一可用的引擎。
一篇文章看懂世界推力最大发动机GE90-115B| 陈光谈航发182
2018年9月23日 · GE90-115B (图1)是在用于B777-200的 GE90-85B及用于B777-200ER的GE90 -94B的基础上衍生发展的推力加大的改型,用于B777-300ER与 B777-200LR,且是这两型飞机唯一的发动机。 发动机型号后的数字表明推力值,85、94与115分别表示发动机的推力85000、94000与11500lbf,数字后的符号B表明该发动机是用于波音公司的飞机。 因此GE90-115B发动机推力为511kN (11500lbf),是当今世界上推力最大的发动机。 图1、GE90-115B纵剖面图.
Their development, configuration & bypass ratios, thrust ratings, and emissions standards are examined. The General Electric (GE) GE90 engine family powers about 650 active 777-200s/-300s. There are also another 330 777s on firm order which will be powered by GE90s, so almost 1,000 aircraft will be equipped with GE90 engines.
B777 (GE90) – Bostonair Group Ltd
2025年2月14日 · Description B777 GE90 Boeing 777-200/300 with GE90 Engine Location: Theory – Online / Synchronised Distance learning Exams & Practical – Leipzig, Germany Dates: Theory (Online via Zoom): 06.01.2025 – 14.02.2025 Exams & Practical: 19.02.2025 – 07.03.2025 How to book: Email: [email protected] Phone: +44 (0) 1482 679 757
FAA Certifies the GE90-94B-Powered Boeing 777 - GE Aerospace
2000年11月13日 · Testing demonstrated the engine's excellent operability, air starting and in-flight performance characteristics.The GE90-94B compressor is also a key technology feature of the GE90-115B engine under development for Boeing's Longer Range 777-200/300 aircraft.
The GE90 Engine, A Technological Pioneer, Surpasses 100 Million …
2020年7月24日 · The GE90 engine powered a Boeing 777-200LR during what was once the world's longest flight by a commercial airliner, 13,422 miles in 22 hours, 42 minutes, flying from Hong Kong to London "the long way" over the Pacific, over the continental U.S., then over the Atlantic Ocean to London
The Power of the GE90-115B Engine on a Boeing 777 - Mond Ortiz
2025年2月24日 · The immense power of the GE90-115B engine allows the Boeing 777 to carry larger payloads over greater distances. This capability is crucial for airlines operating long-haul …