Boeing 787 Dreamliner - Wikipedia
The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is an American wide-body airliner developed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. After dropping its unconventional Sonic Cruiser project, Boeing …
787 Dreamliner - The Boeing Company
Innovative interiors provide spacious cabins, better views with the largest windows available on any commercial jet today, and cabin enhancements that allow passengers to arrive to their …
波音787 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音787梦想客机(英語: Boeing 787 Dreamliner ,港澳台称为波音787夢幻客機) [1] ,是波音公司生产的廣體客機,由波音民用飛機集團負責開發,於2011年投入服務。787在典型3級艙 …
What Are The Differences Between The Boeing 787-8, 787-9
2024年5月25日 · Boeing 787-8, -9, and -10 differ in length, passenger capacity, and range capabilities. The 787-9 has been the standout success in sales amongst the Dreamliner variants.
波音787 - 百度百科
波音787(英语:Boeing 787)是一款航空史上首架超远程中型客机,是美国著名飞机制造商波音公司于2009年12月15日推出的全新型号。 它变体机型中典型的三层座位设计能容纳242至335 …
787 Dreamliner By Design - The Boeing Company
Discover what goes into creating the industry-leading technology of the 787 Dreamliner family. In response to airline input, Boeing designed the 787 with superior efficiency and versatility so …
波音787-8 - 百度百科
波音787-8(英文名:Boeing 787-8)是美国航空航天公司波音制造的一种中型双通道双引擎喷气式飞机,是波音787的基本型号,标准三级客舱布局有223座位,航程达15700公里(8,500海 …
波音787 - boeing.cn
787梦想飞机领先行业的先进技术正为世界各地的航空公司创造绝佳商机,并极大地改善航空旅行体验。 我们称之为“梦想效应”。 787举世无双的燃油效率和航程灵活性可使航空公司开辟盈利 …
Mazda 787B - Wikipedia
The Mazda 787 and its derivative 787B are Group C sports prototype racing cars that were developed by Japanese automobile manufacturer Mazda for use in the World Sportscar …
Korean Air to finalise order for 20 B777-9s and 20 B787-10s
1 天前 · Korean Air (KE, Seoul Incheon) is set to finalise an order for twenty B777-9s and twenty B787-10s from Boeing with options for an additional ten aircraft worth USD24.9 billion. It also …