Mark's B9 Robot Resources
It’s certainly possible to build the B9 robot from the classic TV series Lost in Space. All it takes is time, patience, and some money to play with. My own robot (pictured at left) is now complete, and I’ve put together some information pages to help get you started on your own project:
B9 Robot - Fred Barton Productions
Robot Model B9 – ACTIVATED “At exactly 0:800 hours, destroy Robinson Family…” OR…You can Build your own Lost in Space robot with parts manufactured by Fred Barton Productions as seen on the B9 Builders Club Website.
The B9 Robot Builders Club
Welcome to the B9 Robot Builders Club! Build your very own full size replica of the Lost in Space Robot B9
Robot (Lost in Space) - Wikipedia
The Robot was the cause of the colony ship Resolute's destruction in the beginning of the series when it came to reclaim the engine and another of its kind dubbed Scarecrow, which were powering the Resolute. Its attack trapped the Robinsons and other colonists on a doomed planet, but after befriending Will Robinson and developing the equivalent ...
Lost in Space Robot B9 - RobotShop Community
2010年2月16日 · We've just received the life-size replica of Robot B9 from the 1960's American TV program Lost in Space. This robot possesses more than 500 different custom phrases from Richard Tufeld, like the original B9 from the TV show. It is equipped with an animated top, lit fingers, animated receiver ears
The B9 Robot Builders Club
The Club Robot Blueprints . The Blueprints provided below attempt to capture the original Robot as actually constructed for the TV show and deviate from studio blueprints where needed. These drawings do not attempt to show internal / structural details.
The B9 Robot Builders Club
The Robot: also referred to as Model B9 (This term was used in the second season episode The Ghost Planet or less well known as class M3 (Used in the second season episode The Colonists). Whatever you want to call him, this is a science fiction figure that has been indelibly burned into the minds of many people over the years.
B9 Robot Templates & Instructions
Our set of five templates comes on 26" x 36" paper. The eight-page instruction manual includes a materials list and comes as an Adobe Acrobat file so you can print your own copies and zoom in on the photos. I also send along the wheel dimensions and instructions for making inexpensive treads and legs gaskets.
Waist-to-Tread Section Templates & Instructions - B9 Robot
More than just blueprints, these full-size templates spell out exactly what pieces to cut out to construct your robot. In January 2007 Mark and I finished revising each template sheet to make them more accurate than ever. All dimensions now match the B9 Club standard blueprints so you can make the most accurate parts possible.
Moebius Models 1/6 scale "Lost in Space" Robot B9
Its full name was “B-9, Class M-3 General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot,” but usually it was referred to simply as “Robot.” Aurora issued a 1/11 scale model of B9 in the 1960s that was reissued by Polar Lights in the ’90s.