ADAPTIV - Cloak of Invisibility - BAE Systems
It sounds more like a scene from a Harry Potter movie, but BAE Systems is making the reality possible by developing a unique camouflage system called ADAPTIV, that allows a vehicle to blend into its surroundings, effectively becoming invisible to hostile thermal imaging systems.
Once mounted on a vehicles hull or ballistic armor plates, ADAPTIV renders a vehicle invisible to infra-red and other surveillance technology. Whether it is day or night, whether they are on the move or stationary, ADAPTIV gives your vehicles increased stealth and greater survivability.
Adaptiv - Wikipedia
Adaptiv is an active camouflage technology developed by BAE Systems AB to protect military vehicles from detection by far infrared night vision devices, providing infrared stealth. It consists of an array of hexagonal Peltier plates which can be rapidly heated and cooled to form any desired image, such as of the natural background or of a non ...
Unique to BAE Systems, the active and modular ADAPTIV defence system makes vehicles invisible to enemies, keeping crews safe. Unlike traditional camouflage systems which rely on paint or nets to hide vehicles, ADAPTIV uses lightweight hexagonal pixels. These are electrically powered by the vehicle’s systems, to instantly hide a vehicle.
Adaptiv - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Adaptiv是英國貝宜系統公司開發的一種主動偽裝技術,用於保護軍用車輛不被遠紅外 夜視鏡探測到,提供紅外隱身功能。 它由一個六邊形 珀爾帖板 陣列組成,可以快速加熱和冷卻,以形成任何所需的圖像,如自然背景或非目標物體的圖像。
Adaptiv - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Adaptiv是英国贝宜系统公司开发的一种主动伪装技术,用于保护军用车辆不被遠紅外 夜視鏡探测到,提供红外隐身功能。 它由一个六边形 珀尔帖板 阵列组成,可以快速加热和冷却,以形成任何所需的图像,如自然背景或非目标物体的图像。
BAE Systems ADAPTIV Hexagonal Pixelated Thermal/IR …
2011年9月19日 · Like Black Fox, the Adaptiv thermal/IR adaptive camo system uses on-board cameras to capture the background and surrounding scenery and display the corresponding thermal/IR image on on the vehicle's Adaptiv pixelated/paneled skin. The Adaptiv hexagonal pixel/panel matrix can also mimic another vehicle's thermal/IR signature for the purpose of ...
BAE's ADAPTIV technology renders vehicles invisible to infrared
2011年9月7日 · BAE has developed and "invisibility cloak" technology called "Adaptiv" that renders vehicles invisible in the infrared part of the spectrum and can even let the vehicle mimic other vehicles or...
2023年6月26日 · BAE Systems Adaptiv 技术是一种主动伪装技术,旨在保护军用车辆免受近红外夜视设备的检测。 它由一系列六边形珀耳帖板组成,可以快速加热和冷却以形成任何所需的图像,例如自然背景或非目标物体的图像,以使其隐藏在任何可能的敌人面前。
BAE Systems presents ADAPTIV a new unique camouflage system …
2013年7月23日 · It sounds more like a scene from a Harry Potter movie, but BAE Systems is making the reality possible by developing a unique camouflage system called Adaptiv, that allows a vehicle to blend into its surroundings, effectively …