XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle - Wikipedia
The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV), formerly known as the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV), is a U.S. Army program to replace the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. MICV is one part of the Next Generation Combat Vehicle portfolio of programs.
Next Generation Combat Vehicle - Wikipedia
The XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV), formerly known as the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) is the Army's replacement for the M2 Bradley. In June 2018, the Army established the Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV) program to …
CV90MkIV - BAE Systems
Building on a proud legacy of best-in-class mobility and survivability spanning more than two decades, the CV90MkIV brings unrivalled technological capabilities and flexibility to today’s complex battlefield. With a new engine, the MkIV boasts up to 1,000 horsepower and the latest upgraded X300 heavy-duty transmission.
2023年7月3日 · 美国陆军宣布,通用动力陆地系统公司和美国莱茵金属车辆公司被选中参加陆军可选载人战车竞争的详细设计和原型制造阶段,合同总价值为16亿美元。 在取代布雷德利步兵战车的竞争中,参与概念设计阶段的公司从五家缩减到两家。 陆军周一还宣布,它已将OMFV项目重新指定为XM30步兵战车项目。 美国OMFV项目的乌家候选公司包括奥什科什国防公司、BAE系统公司、通用动力陆地系统公司和、美国莱茵金属车辆公司和近程射击(Point Blank)企业公司。 …
#烽火问鼎计划# MD三等人的XM30机械化步兵... 来自lfx160219
2025年2月5日 · #烽火问鼎计划# MD三等人的XM30机械化步兵战斗车辆 (MICV)两款方案模型,左侧的是通用动力地面系统公司 (GDLS),右边的是莱茵金属公司,XM30重约43至50吨 (47至55美吨),双人车组+六名下车步兵,配备50毫米链炮、反坦克导弹、主动防御系统、混合动力系统。 两家公司将分别制造和测试最多11辆XM30原型车,以及两个弹道车体与炮塔台架 (BHT)、装甲测试台和数字模型用于美军的对比测试。 最终美国陆军打算选择一个公司在2027年进行XM30的低速 …
美国陆军新型步战车项目正式更名,通用公司与莱茵公司进入最后 …
摘要: 美国陆军于当地时间2023年6月26日宣布,其新一代履带式步兵战车项目正式更名为XM30机械化步兵战斗车辆(MICV)项目,同时,选择通用动力陆地系统公司和美国莱茵金属车辆有限责任公司进入该项目的第三和第四阶段。 作为满足美国陆军未来作战需要的产物,XM30机械化步兵战斗车辆将有效增强美国陆军的地面作战能力。 关键词:美国,陆军,XM30步战车,先进 …
New Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle prototype contract …
2023年6月26日 · WASHINGTON — The Army’s Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle program, now redesignated as the XM30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, announced June 26 that a contract for prototypes will be awarded...
XM30 Combat Vehicle | Raytheon - RTX
American Rheinmetall Vehicles leverages Rheinmetall’s global success in armored combat vehicle engineering and manufacturing to bring the U.S. Army an infantry fighting vehicle solution that is exclusively XM30 Combat Vehicle. The design includes Raytheon systems for …
BAE Audio
BAE are manufactures of high end microphone preamp/equalizers faithful to vintage designs of the seventies and before. With a penchant for high quality transformers like Carnhill (St lves) and Jensen, everything is as close to the vintage philosophy as possible.
BAE Systems has introduced the next phase of development for the CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) with the launch of the new CV90 MkIV. This fifth generation of the company’s
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