BAC TSR-2 - Wikipedia
The British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 is a cancelled Cold War strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed by the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC), for the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the late …
BAC TSR-2 - BAE Systems
The British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) TSR-2 was a cancelled Cold War tactical strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed for the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the late 1950s and early …
英国BAC TSR-2 轰炸机+蓝钢 Blue Steel 导弹 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
tsr-2 的任务可分为三类: 高-低-高模式——装载908公斤核炸弹,无外挂副油箱,起飞后以马赫0.92 爬升至约6,705米,然后继续以马赫0.92的巡航速度一直飞行约1,110公里(600海 里)处.加 …
Thunder & Lightnings - British Aircraft Corporation TSR2 - History
The SEPECAT Jaguar, near enough a 'baby TSR2', gave them even more experience of this kind of cooperation, and produced a highly useful strike aircraft, though it did not compare with the …
British Aircraft Corporation TSR 2 - RAF Museum
Although never developed beyond the prototype stage, the British Aircraft Corporation TSR2 was one of the most exciting and controversial British combat aircraft designs of the 1960s. The …
2020年4月1日 · tsr-2型轰炸机的最大任务载荷高达20000磅(9080公斤),和当时的苏军图-16、图-22等中程喷气式轰炸机基本相当。 tsr-2型轰炸机的设计参数相当前卫,体现了英国雄厚的 …
he is ‘Mr TSR2’, just as earlier he was ‘Mr Canberra’ and ‘Mr Lightning’. His short introductory piece sets the scene for the wider debate of the TSR2 project. The period following the …
BAC TSR-2 Tactical Strike / Reconnaissance / Bomber Aircraft
2021年8月1日 · Along the same lines as the prototype North American XB-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber of the United States Air Force, the BAC TSR-2 was to be England's "super" Cold War …
TSR-2轰炸机:中道崩殂的皇家空军末代核威慑利器 - 网易
2022年10月11日 · 正在进行测试飞行的tsr-2与内部驾驶舱. 为了能与节节攀升的成本相抗衡,英国人还早早的为tsr-2寻觅潜在买家,其中又以澳大利亚的兴趣最为浓厚。可惜,后者早已不是帝 …
British Aircraft BAC TSR-2 - Skytamer.com
The British Aircraft Corporation TSR-2 (for "tactical strike and reconnaissance 2") was a canceled Cold War strike and reconnaissance aircraft developed by the British Aircraft Corporation …